Text-only of the email pages from:
"Year 2000 Computer Bug Hoax"
Original link to main page: angelfire.com/oh/justanumber/
Website created 1997. Last updated 31-Dec-1999.
Note: I removed the pre-@ names in all emails, replacing with the year received.
"Dear Sir, A firefighter makes a living fighting fires. A y2k programmer makes a living fighting programs. Would you dare question the economic integrity, morality, and value of a firefighter? May you survive the fire to come."
[email protected]
"For a while now, I suspected there was nothing behind the hype. It's great to know my instincts were correct. I also just got the worst spam I've ever seen. It begins with a ludicrous pronouncement of doom, then finishes with proselytizing of the christian reconstructionist sort."
[email protected]
"Get real. Wake up you simplistic, technology centred, functional reductionist. Y2K is not only about what happens in the computer system of your company in the highly developed USA…. Read the WebPages to broaden your so far technology centred mind."
[email protected]
"Follow the money. People who are alerting you how bad the Year 2000 problem is usually try to sell you something to 'make it through,' like gold, silver, storeable foods, and so on."
[email protected]
"Yes I think people want chaos/disaster or whatever. Like going to a horror movie. Why do people do that? Boredom? A natural instinct to self-destruct when the clock strikes 12? Who knows but there is a lot of power and energy in this. Enough perhaps to make things happen!"
[email protected]
"I am just waiting for the TV infomercials to start on this Y2K problem...like 'get your own Y2K survial kit...beans, freeze dried hot dogs, notebooks, matches, a cord or two of firewood, and iron skillet and a jug of water all yours for 159.99 dial us now at 1-888-S-U-C-K-K-E-R. Please no credit cards, just cash!"
[email protected]
"Interesting to see how many people are taken in by your obviously 'tongue in cheek' site."
[email protected]
"Loved your site. First I was blaming everything on El Nino.... now I can blame my problems on Y2K. My only fear is, what are all the kooks up in the mountains gonna do when nothing happens on 01/01/00. I just hope they aren't armed."
[email protected]
"I believe a more pressing trouble is what the hell will I be going to do on DEC 31, 1999 If Jesus Christ show up I'm going to fill bucket of water and ask him to turn it into wine (a good Cabernet Sauvignon perhaps) because I have a lot questions to ask."
[email protected]
"After seeing a repeating pattern of hype and disaster foretold but without answers, I concluded it was exaggerated out of porportion. It was refreshing to see your site."
[email protected]
"Your sarcasm, refined sense of humour and profound disrespect for the craze deserves the Nobel Prize. The fact that you know what you are saying shines through-out the excellent design of your site."
"I live on the west coast so I'm going to watch the apple drop in NYC and see if the power stays on when it's all over. If not, oh well, I'll be drunk anyway..."
[email protected]
"Your web page is misleading and you don't know the full potential of the Y2K is. Government systems will be y2k complaint in the year 2014."
[email protected]
"As a physician, I knew it had to happen sooner or later, but I really thought it would be much later. A patient came into the office a few months ago extremely worried and agitated about how she wasn't going to be able to get her medication refills next year after the computers crashed. I solved her problem by sending her to a psychiatrist."
[email protected]
"I've been in the computer business for 30 years, there are days I simply loved and there were days that I dreaded. The stroke of midnight Dec., 31, 1999 will be neither. It to me will be just another holiday ... This is one very wonderful way for a lot of propeller heads and lawyers to generate a gross amount of income at at some fools expense."
[email protected]
"I am trying to figure out a way to counter-exploit the exploiters. My only idea is to become an "auditor" of Y2K consultants, where I get the corporate client to let me tell them what they've received for the megabucks paid to the hysteria-makers. But as you have so brightly illuminated, business managers and others will now reject any information that might cast a doubt on their previously ill-informed decision to engage these sheisters."
[email protected]
"Absolutely fantastic website. It's great to see that there is people out there with heads on their shoulders, & not just blocks of wood."
[email protected]
"Just saw your site and noticed that you plan to blame problems that you have at work on Jan. 1, 2000, on the millenium bug. Well, don't worry, as there is a great possibility that your city will most likely have no power (electricity) whatsoever. So don't worry about work, and just work on investing in candles - You'll need them."
[email protected]
"Never before in history has there been the potential for world-wide economic disaster. It will be the beginning of economic and social difficulties transforming into the New World Order. This has been a plan for society for decades. If you believe prophesy, than you know that the Antichrist must be in control of the whole world before Jesus comes back!"
[email protected]
"It is just a number, and it seems to me that people are putting their religious beliefs unto their computers, and the last time I checked, my PC didn't believe in God. Maybe I should ask again?"
[email protected]
"If existing systems only utilize a two digit date to repesent the year, and are incapable of determining that from 99 to 00 is actually 1999 to 2000, what causes people to think that the systems will revert back to 1900? I mean, if the system is incapable of determining it's 2000, why would it be capable of determining it's 1900?"
[email protected]
"Does anyone see bankers, government officials or business executives worrying? That's because they know it's not a big problem. Time consuming, perhaps, and expensive, yes, but as of now, the problem is being dealt with."
[email protected]
"It is difficult to determine who the hoxers are and what there intentions are. You definitely fit into that category. Don't sit there so smuggly and assume that the world is enlightened as much as you seem to be. My feeling is that people who follow your formula of denial are courting disaster for themselves and there uninformed billions around the world."
[email protected]
"While I agree there are too many doomsday'ers out there attaching themselves to this and taking what may turn out to be foolish actions, I've been involved with this issue too and you are just plane misguided."
[email protected]
"I would rather be prepared for Jan 1, 200 and have food, essentials gun and ammo and be prepared for any emergency."
[email protected]
"What about the dozen or so other dates besides 1/1/00 ? 9/9/99 - is going to be far worse 9999 denotes end of input on almost all cobolt applications."
[email protected]
"Eric Hoffer in THE TRUE BELIEVER, written in the early post WWII period, has much of interest to say about fanatics and the people who believe in them and their agendas. All still pertinent today: passes the test of time."
[email protected]
"Nostrodamus was no christian, yet he predicted banks closing and people not getting their money and other pretty scary predictions. That should give everyone something to think about."
[email protected]
"We can make this work or we can prophecy doom and gloom. Your too positive to be unsaved. If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, then do so -- call on Him."
[email protected]
"Don't blow it, this is buying me a Mercedes."
[email protected]
"If you are wrong and mislead one person from taking action to provide for their survival, may God have mercy on your miserable soul."
[email protected]
"I can't believe that Gary North took your site and credentials SERIOUSLY and even linked this page! (This is a REAL e-mail to add to your bogus ones). You've got a pretty interesting website, for a kid. I liked the flames, as it describes your site well."
[email protected]
"My dog has 3 tongues."
[email protected]
"Your a jerk and suspect your a con yourself. Think we take your word for anything? We dont' Norths word for anything either, we prove it to ourselves."
[email protected]
"I am one of those that leans a little towards y2k being a pretty Significant disruption in our daily lives for a while,(3 to 5 Years)."
[email protected]
"Glad to see there are people who look at these issues sensibly, including humour."
[email protected]
"Funny your so confident, my friend is dating a Y2 programmer at a huge utility company and she is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that come Jan 1 there will be no gas, electric, or water."
[email protected]
"A 'bug' does not destroy civilization, people do!:) By the way, great way to play devils advocate!"
[email protected]
"bravo to having a brain in this chaotic mess of chicken littles"
[email protected]
"Please on national tv or some thing prove this is a capitalist plot or what ever you called it for i know of many people here in the U.S. whom are taking this very serious stock pileing food the works we are not taking chances so if you have it i beg of you show it"
[email protected]
"After sending you a serious Y2K email, I reconsidered the purpose of your website. I've decided you believe uneducated opinions on Y2K are funny, especially if people are preparing for the end of civilization as we know it. I see no humor in mocking people who may be jumping to conclusions about Y2K."
[email protected]
"Y2K: Will give you something to talk about to the deaf guy sitting next to you on the train."
[email protected]
"The beauracracy that's grown around the issue may very well bring down civilization, but the "bug" won't. The bank I work for is buying a test environment 4 times bigger than their production environment. They won't know what do do with all that computer power after it's all over! Nature hates a vacuum, they'll be able to store a lot of e-mail there."
[email protected]
"I'm betting you are a Socialist and don't believe in God. I think your belief system is in for a shock; athiests find it almost impossible to not believe in man's technology, but that may change bigtime. Good luck!"
[email protected]
"I have been wondering about this myself! And was wondering what religion you are. Do you believe in a God or do you believe that we come from monkeys or what?"
[email protected]
"Hey justanumber - Do you actually take Y2K seriously and just want to get people thinking??? I can't imagine going to so much trouble to argue against it if you actually just think it is hype. I do hope you are just standing by laughing. I think you probably are."
[email protected]
"Poorer countries in continents like South America and Asia, simply have no money or manpower to do the needed fixes. In the year '00' the U.S. might be in farely good condition, but Europe, Asia and the rest of the world (excluding Japan and Hong Kong maybe) will be in deep shit. And this will drag the U.S. knee deep into the shit too."
[email protected]
"Hello non beliver! It is refreshing to see someone with a view other than the doomsday thing.... Best of luck to you! PS see you in the mountains."
[email protected]
"I took a look at your Y2000 site and I think you have done an excellent job of uncovering this scam. I work for * in the I.T. section and I have been telling people exactly what you have said in your page."
[email protected]
"It's true that the chaos probably won't last long. But the question is, how exactly will it be mopped up. Because the 'moppers' are going to control the world."
[email protected]
"The idea of being a naysayer is kind-of appealing and that's a plus for the web site.... But I'd say you should make the site more 'professional' if you're going to be convincing in this regard. Maybe you start a consulting firm specializing in telling people how to get rid of the other consultants."
[email protected]
"you hint at the money that is to be made ... could you please mail me any info you have as to getting started in this line of work i would be very greatfull."
[email protected]
"I am very afraid that people are going to start taking out their investments in droves as 1/1/00 approaches and THAT is going to create a Great WORLDWIDE Depression. The said thing is that the purveyors of the Y2K bug will then say 'See I told you so...' when in fact it will be their fault for instilling such a great sense of fear into the general public."
[email protected]
"Millions of people are going to suffer on 01/01/00. Mostly from champagne hangovers."
[email protected]
"your just another MORON with a stupid opionion. probably 12 years old!!!"
[email protected]
"Whether or not the computer portion of the y2k problem is a scam, maybe especially if it is, the undermining of the faith in the economy may be disastrous."
[email protected]
"wanted to say it is very good and really gets into detail I have alot to learn and a lot more investegations to do."
[email protected]
"Although I agree with you that many people are using this as a way to make money, I believe that there is a real problem here. It is my prediction that the problems that are created by this bug will occur in very small places ... (and) that thousands of these smaller Y2K induced problems will trigger larger negative events."
[email protected]
"I took a look at your year 2000 web site and I think that you make some very good points.... Do I think that many of the extreme predictions are crazy? Yes. Can I possibly know how big the problem will be? Absolutely not. How can you?"
[email protected]
"My son's friend (who's 9) just got a new computer and his brother is telling him stories about the year 2000 and has both of them scared that the computer will be toast on that day. I didn't realize how wide spread this was until I heard that one."
[email protected]
"Y2K will not happen until 2048. K is based on 1024, M (a Roman Numeral) is 1000.... Understatement (as I believe you have done) nor Overstatement will not help."
[email protected]
"I knew this was a scam from the start but as usual the hysterical press saw an opportunity for a scary story that they can use until 00.... Calling it the 'Millennium Bug' is part of the hype. It is really a 'Century Bug.'"
[email protected]
"i've been looking at various pages on the internet concerned with the millenum bug and i was pleased to see your page take a different perspective to all the rest."
[email protected]
"The simple fear of the problem could destroy the stock market gains of the past few years. I hate when that happens."
[email protected]
"I love your site. And for anyone who is overly worked-up about this: 'Ignorance can be overcome. Stupidity lasts forever.'"
[email protected]
"A friend has been pointing me toward many 'doom and gloom' resources on Y2K and I had a feeling I wasn't getting both sides of the story. I asked him if he had seen another side and he said that the other side was supported by clueless people. Finally I decided to look for the other side myself, and I found your page."
[email protected]
"Y2k is a big problem but NOT the end of the world. Ignorant people think it is. And other ignorant people think there is no problem what so ever."
[email protected]
"Any ideas out there on how to cash in on this Y2k stuff no matter how it lands?"
[email protected]
"I can not believe that there are so many people who actually believe the world as we know it will stop dead! My god the first rule of software and computers is that it will fail or give an incorrect response."
[email protected]
"Lovely! Glad to see a site that puts most of this into a nice perspective ... it's good to see somebody explaining what the hell is everyone going on about!"
[email protected]
"'The shrewd man perceives evil & hides, while simpletons continue on & suffer the penalty.' -- PROVERBS 22:3"
[email protected]
"(Y2K) will not cause world wars in the direct sense, but given the Japenese bankers blind statements that they will have no problem with the year 2000(and they are not spending anything on it at this time), there is a possibilty that they will cause major problems for themselves and others."
[email protected]
"Sure, there are a lot of nuts around this issue. There are a lot of fantastic claims.... . If Y2K wasn't difficult, why are huge corporations spending hundreds of millions of dollars to remediate?"
[email protected]
"When I received my new credit card several months ago, (it came with) a message ... 'hundreds of vendors nationwide are already able to accept cards with expiration dates past 2000.' Well, doesn't that make me feel better!"
[email protected]
"you wll have 2 hours and 59 minutes to make 99 years of interest on bank accounts on the east coast if you live on the west coast. EUREKA!!!!!"
[email protected]
"Just to let you know....not only did I enjoy your opinions and information, but I also was very impressed with your site design."
[email protected]
"I am inclined to beleive that we are exagerating this mess, but what about the amount of information, factual or not, concerning this problem that is already in the public domain? ... Since we can't really test our Y2K assumptions until 01/01/2000, what happens when this becomes the scare issue of the quarter? Riots? Bank-runs?"
[email protected]
"Your site is interesting, but you are a member of a minority.... It's easy to discount those who say the missiles will launch automatically and we'll all die happily ever after."
[email protected]
"I still think this is going to be bad- maybe reeeeeeal bad- but will try to remain as objective as possible.... Please help me be less pessimistic about this situation."
[email protected]
"You're right about the fact that there isn't a huge problem, if people recognize how to solve it in a timely manner. There's the rub, I think."
[email protected]
"yada, yada, yada, and the Titanic was unsinkable too."
[email protected]
"Don't worry about it, the way people are preaching the end of the world, you and your co-workers will find companies willing to pay you $250 an hour as a part-time job in the evening about 12 months from now to get them year 2000 'compliant.'"
[email protected]
"I know you haev stated that people are working the problem and that it is not a difficult problem. You are very correct. However, the reason so many people have been playing chicken little is not to rape American Corporations and Governemtn but to get the idiots to start working on the problem."
[email protected]
"I can find information all over the web which talks about specific things that can go wrong because of the "00" being misinterpreted as 1900, but I have never found any skeptic offer any examples that support their view that it's a hoax."
[email protected]
"Have you got any idea what you are talking about? What age are you (or for that matter... how's you IQ doing?)"
[email protected]
"Absolutely Outstanding! It's great to see that there are people who truly understand the situation and are trying to set others straight."
[email protected]
"My daughter and her husband were entering into a financial venture with a friend, and the friend's father. They were going to build a "spec-home". My son-in-law is a civil engineer. Yesterday, the friend pulled out, because his father feels that the house (approx. 6000 sq. ft.) wouldn't sell before the year 2000, the year of Doom's Day."
[email protected]
"Delusional. Irresponsible is another. But perhaps ignorant is most apt ... Do you have any idea what you are talking about? ... I seriously hope you are right. God, I would probably kiss your ass if you turned out to be right."
[email protected]
"You have put doubts in my beliefs. I still don't know what to think. On that night I'll just lay low."
[email protected]
"Without a doubt, its another example of media technophobia and hysteria tactics, a lot of people are making a great deal of money on the back of it."
[email protected]
"I'm going to share your article with a number of my friends and co-workers who will appreciate your 'different approach.'"
[email protected]
"although your site has been a great help debunking the myths of the year 2000 crisis, i still am left with one question? why is the russian mafia doing this? what do they hope to gain?"
[email protected]
"Hey pal, it's all over in 2000!"
"Dear Sir, A firefighter makes a living fighting fires. A y2k programmer makes a living fighting programs. Would you dare question the economic integrity, morality, and value of a firefighter? May you survive the fire to come."
[email protected]
"For a while now, I suspected there was nothing behind the hype. It's great to know my instincts were correct. I also just got the worst spam I've ever seen. It begins with a ludicrous pronouncement of doom, then finishes with proselytizing of the christian reconstructionist sort."
[email protected]
"Get real. Wake up you simplistic, technology centred, functional reductionist. Y2K is not only about what happens in the computer system of your company in the highly developed USA…. Read the WebPages to broaden your so far technology centred mind."
[email protected]
"Follow the money. People who are alerting you how bad the Year 2000 problem is usually try to sell you something to 'make it through,' like gold, silver, storeable foods, and so on."
[email protected]
"Yes I think people want chaos/disaster or whatever. Like going to a horror movie. Why do people do that? Boredom? A natural instinct to self-destruct when the clock strikes 12? Who knows but there is a lot of power and energy in this. Enough perhaps to make things happen!"
[email protected]
"I am just waiting for the TV infomercials to start on this Y2K problem...like 'get your own Y2K survial kit...beans, freeze dried hot dogs, notebooks, matches, a cord or two of firewood, and iron skillet and a jug of water all yours for 159.99 dial us now at 1-888-S-U-C-K-K-E-R. Please no credit cards, just cash!"
[email protected]
"Interesting to see how many people are taken in by your obviously 'tongue in cheek' site."
[email protected]
"Loved your site. First I was blaming everything on El Nino.... now I can blame my problems on Y2K. My only fear is, what are all the kooks up in the mountains gonna do when nothing happens on 01/01/00. I just hope they aren't armed."
[email protected]
"I believe a more pressing trouble is what the hell will I be going to do on DEC 31, 1999 If Jesus Christ show up I'm going to fill bucket of water and ask him to turn it into wine (a good Cabernet Sauvignon perhaps) because I have a lot questions to ask."
[email protected]
"After seeing a repeating pattern of hype and disaster foretold but without answers, I concluded it was exaggerated out of porportion. It was refreshing to see your site."
[email protected]
"Your sarcasm, refined sense of humour and profound disrespect for the craze deserves the Nobel Prize. The fact that you know what you are saying shines through-out the excellent design of your site."
"I live on the west coast so I'm going to watch the apple drop in NYC and see if the power stays on when it's all over. If not, oh well, I'll be drunk anyway..."
[email protected]
"Your web page is misleading and you don't know the full potential of the Y2K is. Government systems will be y2k complaint in the year 2014."
[email protected]
"As a physician, I knew it had to happen sooner or later, but I really thought it would be much later. A patient came into the office a few months ago extremely worried and agitated about how she wasn't going to be able to get her medication refills next year after the computers crashed. I solved her problem by sending her to a psychiatrist."
[email protected]
"I've been in the computer business for 30 years, there are days I simply loved and there were days that I dreaded. The stroke of midnight Dec., 31, 1999 will be neither. It to me will be just another holiday ... This is one very wonderful way for a lot of propeller heads and lawyers to generate a gross amount of income at at some fools expense."
[email protected]
"I am trying to figure out a way to counter-exploit the exploiters. My only idea is to become an "auditor" of Y2K consultants, where I get the corporate client to let me tell them what they've received for the megabucks paid to the hysteria-makers. But as you have so brightly illuminated, business managers and others will now reject any information that might cast a doubt on their previously ill-informed decision to engage these sheisters."
[email protected]
"Absolutely fantastic website. It's great to see that there is people out there with heads on their shoulders, & not just blocks of wood."
[email protected]
"Just saw your site and noticed that you plan to blame problems that you have at work on Jan. 1, 2000, on the millenium bug. Well, don't worry, as there is a great possibility that your city will most likely have no power (electricity) whatsoever. So don't worry about work, and just work on investing in candles - You'll need them."
[email protected]
"Never before in history has there been the potential for world-wide economic disaster. It will be the beginning of economic and social difficulties transforming into the New World Order. This has been a plan for society for decades. If you believe prophesy, than you know that the Antichrist must be in control of the whole world before Jesus comes back!"
[email protected]
"It is just a number, and it seems to me that people are putting their religious beliefs unto their computers, and the last time I checked, my PC didn't believe in God. Maybe I should ask again?"
[email protected]
"If existing systems only utilize a two digit date to repesent the year, and are incapable of determining that from 99 to 00 is actually 1999 to 2000, what causes people to think that the systems will revert back to 1900? I mean, if the system is incapable of determining it's 2000, why would it be capable of determining it's 1900?"
[email protected]
"Does anyone see bankers, government officials or business executives worrying? That's because they know it's not a big problem. Time consuming, perhaps, and expensive, yes, but as of now, the problem is being dealt with."
[email protected]
"It is difficult to determine who the hoxers are and what there intentions are. You definitely fit into that category. Don't sit there so smuggly and assume that the world is enlightened as much as you seem to be. My feeling is that people who follow your formula of denial are courting disaster for themselves and there uninformed billions around the world."
[email protected]
"While I agree there are too many doomsday'ers out there attaching themselves to this and taking what may turn out to be foolish actions, I've been involved with this issue too and you are just plane misguided."
[email protected]
"I would rather be prepared for Jan 1, 200 and have food, essentials gun and ammo and be prepared for any emergency."
[email protected]
"What about the dozen or so other dates besides 1/1/00 ? 9/9/99 - is going to be far worse 9999 denotes end of input on almost all cobolt applications."
[email protected]
"Eric Hoffer in THE TRUE BELIEVER, written in the early post WWII period, has much of interest to say about fanatics and the people who believe in them and their agendas. All still pertinent today: passes the test of time."
[email protected]
"Nostrodamus was no christian, yet he predicted banks closing and people not getting their money and other pretty scary predictions. That should give everyone something to think about."
[email protected]
"We can make this work or we can prophecy doom and gloom. Your too positive to be unsaved. If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, then do so -- call on Him."
[email protected]
"Don't blow it, this is buying me a Mercedes."
[email protected]
"If you are wrong and mislead one person from taking action to provide for their survival, may God have mercy on your miserable soul."
[email protected]
"I can't believe that Gary North took your site and credentials SERIOUSLY and even linked this page! (This is a REAL e-mail to add to your bogus ones). You've got a pretty interesting website, for a kid. I liked the flames, as it describes your site well."
[email protected]
"My dog has 3 tongues."
[email protected]
"Your a jerk and suspect your a con yourself. Think we take your word for anything? We dont' Norths word for anything either, we prove it to ourselves."
[email protected]
"I am one of those that leans a little towards y2k being a pretty Significant disruption in our daily lives for a while,(3 to 5 Years)."
[email protected]
"Glad to see there are people who look at these issues sensibly, including humour."
[email protected]
"Funny your so confident, my friend is dating a Y2 programmer at a huge utility company and she is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that come Jan 1 there will be no gas, electric, or water."
[email protected]
"A 'bug' does not destroy civilization, people do!:) By the way, great way to play devils advocate!"
[email protected]
"bravo to having a brain in this chaotic mess of chicken littles"
[email protected]
"Please on national tv or some thing prove this is a capitalist plot or what ever you called it for i know of many people here in the U.S. whom are taking this very serious stock pileing food the works we are not taking chances so if you have it i beg of you show it"
[email protected]
"After sending you a serious Y2K email, I reconsidered the purpose of your website. I've decided you believe uneducated opinions on Y2K are funny, especially if people are preparing for the end of civilization as we know it. I see no humor in mocking people who may be jumping to conclusions about Y2K."
[email protected]
"Y2K: Will give you something to talk about to the deaf guy sitting next to you on the train."
[email protected]
"The beauracracy that's grown around the issue may very well bring down civilization, but the "bug" won't. The bank I work for is buying a test environment 4 times bigger than their production environment. They won't know what do do with all that computer power after it's all over! Nature hates a vacuum, they'll be able to store a lot of e-mail there."
[email protected]
"I'm betting you are a Socialist and don't believe in God. I think your belief system is in for a shock; athiests find it almost impossible to not believe in man's technology, but that may change bigtime. Good luck!"
[email protected]
"I have been wondering about this myself! And was wondering what religion you are. Do you believe in a God or do you believe that we come from monkeys or what?"
[email protected]
"Hey justanumber - Do you actually take Y2K seriously and just want to get people thinking??? I can't imagine going to so much trouble to argue against it if you actually just think it is hype. I do hope you are just standing by laughing. I think you probably are."
[email protected]
"Poorer countries in continents like South America and Asia, simply have no money or manpower to do the needed fixes. In the year '00' the U.S. might be in farely good condition, but Europe, Asia and the rest of the world (excluding Japan and Hong Kong maybe) will be in deep shit. And this will drag the U.S. knee deep into the shit too."
[email protected]
"Hello non beliver! It is refreshing to see someone with a view other than the doomsday thing.... Best of luck to you! PS see you in the mountains."
[email protected]
"I took a look at your Y2000 site and I think you have done an excellent job of uncovering this scam. I work for * in the I.T. section and I have been telling people exactly what you have said in your page."
[email protected]
"It's true that the chaos probably won't last long. But the question is, how exactly will it be mopped up. Because the 'moppers' are going to control the world."
[email protected]
"The idea of being a naysayer is kind-of appealing and that's a plus for the web site.... But I'd say you should make the site more 'professional' if you're going to be convincing in this regard. Maybe you start a consulting firm specializing in telling people how to get rid of the other consultants."
[email protected]
"you hint at the money that is to be made ... could you please mail me any info you have as to getting started in this line of work i would be very greatfull."
[email protected]
"I am very afraid that people are going to start taking out their investments in droves as 1/1/00 approaches and THAT is going to create a Great WORLDWIDE Depression. The said thing is that the purveyors of the Y2K bug will then say 'See I told you so...' when in fact it will be their fault for instilling such a great sense of fear into the general public."
[email protected]
"Millions of people are going to suffer on 01/01/00. Mostly from champagne hangovers."
[email protected]
"your just another MORON with a stupid opionion. probably 12 years old!!!"
[email protected]
"Whether or not the computer portion of the y2k problem is a scam, maybe especially if it is, the undermining of the faith in the economy may be disastrous."
[email protected]
"wanted to say it is very good and really gets into detail I have alot to learn and a lot more investegations to do."
[email protected]
"Although I agree with you that many people are using this as a way to make money, I believe that there is a real problem here. It is my prediction that the problems that are created by this bug will occur in very small places ... (and) that thousands of these smaller Y2K induced problems will trigger larger negative events."
[email protected]
"I took a look at your year 2000 web site and I think that you make some very good points.... Do I think that many of the extreme predictions are crazy? Yes. Can I possibly know how big the problem will be? Absolutely not. How can you?"
[email protected]
"My son's friend (who's 9) just got a new computer and his brother is telling him stories about the year 2000 and has both of them scared that the computer will be toast on that day. I didn't realize how wide spread this was until I heard that one."
[email protected]
"Y2K will not happen until 2048. K is based on 1024, M (a Roman Numeral) is 1000.... Understatement (as I believe you have done) nor Overstatement will not help."
[email protected]
"I knew this was a scam from the start but as usual the hysterical press saw an opportunity for a scary story that they can use until 00.... Calling it the 'Millennium Bug' is part of the hype. It is really a 'Century Bug.'"
[email protected]
"i've been looking at various pages on the internet concerned with the millenum bug and i was pleased to see your page take a different perspective to all the rest."
[email protected]
"The simple fear of the problem could destroy the stock market gains of the past few years. I hate when that happens."
[email protected]
"I love your site. And for anyone who is overly worked-up about this: 'Ignorance can be overcome. Stupidity lasts forever.'"
[email protected]
"A friend has been pointing me toward many 'doom and gloom' resources on Y2K and I had a feeling I wasn't getting both sides of the story. I asked him if he had seen another side and he said that the other side was supported by clueless people. Finally I decided to look for the other side myself, and I found your page."
[email protected]
"Y2k is a big problem but NOT the end of the world. Ignorant people think it is. And other ignorant people think there is no problem what so ever."
[email protected]
"Any ideas out there on how to cash in on this Y2k stuff no matter how it lands?"
[email protected]
"I can not believe that there are so many people who actually believe the world as we know it will stop dead! My god the first rule of software and computers is that it will fail or give an incorrect response."
[email protected]
"Lovely! Glad to see a site that puts most of this into a nice perspective ... it's good to see somebody explaining what the hell is everyone going on about!"
[email protected]
"'The shrewd man perceives evil & hides, while simpletons continue on & suffer the penalty.' -- PROVERBS 22:3"
[email protected]
"(Y2K) will not cause world wars in the direct sense, but given the Japenese bankers blind statements that they will have no problem with the year 2000(and they are not spending anything on it at this time), there is a possibilty that they will cause major problems for themselves and others."
[email protected]
"Sure, there are a lot of nuts around this issue. There are a lot of fantastic claims.... . If Y2K wasn't difficult, why are huge corporations spending hundreds of millions of dollars to remediate?"
[email protected]
"When I received my new credit card several months ago, (it came with) a message ... 'hundreds of vendors nationwide are already able to accept cards with expiration dates past 2000.' Well, doesn't that make me feel better!"
[email protected]
"you wll have 2 hours and 59 minutes to make 99 years of interest on bank accounts on the east coast if you live on the west coast. EUREKA!!!!!"
[email protected]
"Just to let you know....not only did I enjoy your opinions and information, but I also was very impressed with your site design."
[email protected]
"I am inclined to beleive that we are exagerating this mess, but what about the amount of information, factual or not, concerning this problem that is already in the public domain? ... Since we can't really test our Y2K assumptions until 01/01/2000, what happens when this becomes the scare issue of the quarter? Riots? Bank-runs?"
[email protected]
"Your site is interesting, but you are a member of a minority.... It's easy to discount those who say the missiles will launch automatically and we'll all die happily ever after."
[email protected]
"I still think this is going to be bad- maybe reeeeeeal bad- but will try to remain as objective as possible.... Please help me be less pessimistic about this situation."
[email protected]
"You're right about the fact that there isn't a huge problem, if people recognize how to solve it in a timely manner. There's the rub, I think."
[email protected]
"yada, yada, yada, and the Titanic was unsinkable too."
[email protected]
"Don't worry about it, the way people are preaching the end of the world, you and your co-workers will find companies willing to pay you $250 an hour as a part-time job in the evening about 12 months from now to get them year 2000 'compliant.'"
[email protected]
"I know you haev stated that people are working the problem and that it is not a difficult problem. You are very correct. However, the reason so many people have been playing chicken little is not to rape American Corporations and Governemtn but to get the idiots to start working on the problem."
[email protected]
"I can find information all over the web which talks about specific things that can go wrong because of the "00" being misinterpreted as 1900, but I have never found any skeptic offer any examples that support their view that it's a hoax."
[email protected]
"Have you got any idea what you are talking about? What age are you (or for that matter... how's you IQ doing?)"
[email protected]
"Absolutely Outstanding! It's great to see that there are people who truly understand the situation and are trying to set others straight."
[email protected]
"My daughter and her husband were entering into a financial venture with a friend, and the friend's father. They were going to build a "spec-home". My son-in-law is a civil engineer. Yesterday, the friend pulled out, because his father feels that the house (approx. 6000 sq. ft.) wouldn't sell before the year 2000, the year of Doom's Day."
[email protected]
"Delusional. Irresponsible is another. But perhaps ignorant is most apt ... Do you have any idea what you are talking about? ... I seriously hope you are right. God, I would probably kiss your ass if you turned out to be right."
[email protected]
"You have put doubts in my beliefs. I still don't know what to think. On that night I'll just lay low."
[email protected]
"Without a doubt, its another example of media technophobia and hysteria tactics, a lot of people are making a great deal of money on the back of it."
[email protected]
"I'm going to share your article with a number of my friends and co-workers who will appreciate your 'different approach.'"
[email protected]
"although your site has been a great help debunking the myths of the year 2000 crisis, i still am left with one question? why is the russian mafia doing this? what do they hope to gain?"
[email protected]
"Hey pal, it's all over in 2000!"
[email protected]
"Please take this site down. We sell solar electric systems and equipment, and we are making FAR too much money off of this panic to stop now. Besides, we figure that when nothing happens, we will be able to make even more money buying all that unused equipment back for half price."
[email protected]
"humor eh? OK ? How long do you you think you will hold out till you eat your cats?"
[email protected]
"No one knows when the end will come, not even Jesus. If you truly believe and want to help, get on your knees. And don't forget Who's really in charge."
[email protected]
"How about when the world sat back and laughed at Noah and his family contructing the Ark (because he took heed of God's word about the coming flood) and then all those foolish and unbelieving people died? No one can outsmart God or think themselves above Him. Y2K may not result in complete chaos, yet we should not take it lightly. What can we do in this time of chaos, crisis, and confusion? Seek God, read His word (the Bible), and pray that He may provide us understanding and direction."
[email protected]
"you know it's amazing 3000 web sites and half of congress saying its going to happen and 1 web site and 1 schmuck saying its not! You talk about scams I take it you must be in the Mortuary Business. the good news either way you don't have to be worried about getting sued after Jan 1, 2000."
[email protected]
"I think you've hit the nail right on the head. This is the perfect money making panick haox. If no one would have said anything then there woouldn't have been the money made. a conspiracy theory if i've ever seen one!"
[email protected]
"Only a near sited butt head like yourself would say not to worry about such an obvious problem as y2k. Read Revelations in the Bible, look at what the great prophets have said - everything points to the year 2000. Go ahead and be blind like most of the rest of the world! You know what? I pray that I am wrong! Have a nice oblivion you knucklehead!"
[email protected]
"This web site is obviously an advertisement for the elevator companies! Who's fooling whom? I have been associated with the electronics business since 1956, and the design and manufacture of computers, and y2k is a real nightmare. I wish it were a hoax, but wishing doesn't make it so!"
[email protected]
"All I have to say is: Don't stand in line to use MY outhouse!!! Sincerely, An ignorant, idiotic Moron P.S. But thanks anyway for the site! Those e-mails are a hoot!"
[email protected]
"I am a 12 year veteran in the IT field, and can remember what I was paid to write the code I am now checking for Y2K compliance. Paybacks are hell, and revenge is OHHH so bitterly sweet. I am now being paid 8 times more to debug code that I originally coded."
[email protected]
"Your web page is wonderful. Unfortunately it will not stop people from being stupid. I have learnt since I was young that the basic impulses of human activities are Ignorance, Fear and Superstition."
[email protected]
"I am a Automation Systems Programmer for a major oil company and have been involved with Y2K compliance with our embedded systems in our oil fields and plants. We have completed testing of our Systems and found NO PROBLEMS! There will be plenty of fuel for the Ignorant Idiots that purchase electrical generators and head for the hills of Montana."
[email protected]
"Evidently you don't know Jesus as your Saviour. You'll be running for the hills like everybody else. As for me I'll be here with food and amo. defending my home."
[email protected]
"Love the site, as a year 2000 project manager I totally agree with you. My favorite idea of the moment is to advertise in thee local press offering to do a year 2000 check on peoples microwaves and charge them £10 to tell them its OK."
[email protected]
"I don't really mind total economic chaos, cataclysmic inadvertent launches of nuclear weapons, raw sewage mixing with the water supply or high security prisons having their doors swing wide open, but if my VCR fails to record Seinfeld while I'm out at a New Year's party I'll be really pissed off!"
[email protected]
"Enjoyed your site. After reading the dire predictions spouted at 99% of the other sites I have visited (most of which, it just so happens, want to sell me survival food/supplies/remote cabins/etc.), your site was a welcome breeze of reality."
[email protected]
"Nowhere on your sight do YOU claim to be wise, understanding or omniscient. You're just having fun, right? Fun I can understand."
[email protected]
"You're telling me this is all a scam after I've already stocked 700 lbs. Of dry cat food for my 9 cats, and 500 lbs of dry dogfood for my 3 dogs, not to mention the beans and rice! This had better come off as they've planned, or I'm going to be pissed."
[email protected]
"I have studied both sides of the issue, and I wish that you and everyone involved would simply stop with the sensationalism and, in your case, understatement."
[email protected]
"Congratulations on an excellent site. Most of it is the truth. I am a Christian and I see many evangelists and whatnot jumping on the bandwagon screaming that 1/12000 is doomsday. They try to push books and video tapes down your throat on this subject for a good buck. You gotta laugh!"
[email protected]
"I have to write a paper on Y2K for a computer class and after some searching came across your site. Thank you for your insight and sense of humor."
[email protected]
"What's with this doom and gloom guy De Jager? He's raking in megabucks scaring the bejeezus out of all and sundry. If this man turns out to be a fraud, he should be raked over the coals."
[email protected]
"although i havn't gone as far as stockpiling food, i have, as a precaution, stockpiled ammo! i really hope that this thing turns out to be total chaos! I'm sure that i will be willing to do my part to cull the herd! every nut for himself!"
[email protected]
"Sheeesh, you want to take all the fun out of life? Y2K is the only way I can get my husband to actually build me a chicken coup."
[email protected]
"Well, there is proof afterall that "Humans can be trained". We are told that we should panic, committ suicide, riot , store supplies and freak out over a computer problem. Sorry, but I for one have no intention of doing that. Human Beings throughout history have delt with far worse problems than this and survived."
[email protected]
"You have missed the point. Your looking at the Bear in front of you when you should be looking at the 2000 other Grizzle Bears standing behind him."
[email protected]
"I hope you're right! But just in case I'm stocking up on toilet paper and spam. Oh, and a little prayer wouldn't hurt either."
[email protected]
".....my charming and somewhat alarmist wife, who tends to gravitate towards apocalyptic escathologies anyway, first became aware of the Millennium bug through the offerings of Gary North. My first clue was a state of hyperventilation that lasted for three days."
[email protected]
"Great site! I'm glad to find others who haven't decided to convert their basements into dry-food, water, and fuel storage. But SOME of the e-mail responses are depressing (I mean for us as a species). Keep up the good work. Remember the words of Dogbert: '2000: It's big! And it's round!'"
[email protected]
"My faith in Human intelligence has been compromised with the uproar of the Y2K problem. I am not afraid of the year 2000 issue, but I am afraid of those that are... I will have Gun and Ammo cocked and ready for any sub-human that will not be able to maintain when 1999 comes to a close... 'FREAKS!'"
"Please take this site down. We sell solar electric systems and equipment, and we are making FAR too much money off of this panic to stop now. Besides, we figure that when nothing happens, we will be able to make even more money buying all that unused equipment back for half price."
[email protected]
"humor eh? OK ? How long do you you think you will hold out till you eat your cats?"
[email protected]
"No one knows when the end will come, not even Jesus. If you truly believe and want to help, get on your knees. And don't forget Who's really in charge."
[email protected]
"How about when the world sat back and laughed at Noah and his family contructing the Ark (because he took heed of God's word about the coming flood) and then all those foolish and unbelieving people died? No one can outsmart God or think themselves above Him. Y2K may not result in complete chaos, yet we should not take it lightly. What can we do in this time of chaos, crisis, and confusion? Seek God, read His word (the Bible), and pray that He may provide us understanding and direction."
[email protected]
"you know it's amazing 3000 web sites and half of congress saying its going to happen and 1 web site and 1 schmuck saying its not! You talk about scams I take it you must be in the Mortuary Business. the good news either way you don't have to be worried about getting sued after Jan 1, 2000."
[email protected]
"I think you've hit the nail right on the head. This is the perfect money making panick haox. If no one would have said anything then there woouldn't have been the money made. a conspiracy theory if i've ever seen one!"
[email protected]
"Only a near sited butt head like yourself would say not to worry about such an obvious problem as y2k. Read Revelations in the Bible, look at what the great prophets have said - everything points to the year 2000. Go ahead and be blind like most of the rest of the world! You know what? I pray that I am wrong! Have a nice oblivion you knucklehead!"
[email protected]
"This web site is obviously an advertisement for the elevator companies! Who's fooling whom? I have been associated with the electronics business since 1956, and the design and manufacture of computers, and y2k is a real nightmare. I wish it were a hoax, but wishing doesn't make it so!"
[email protected]
"All I have to say is: Don't stand in line to use MY outhouse!!! Sincerely, An ignorant, idiotic Moron P.S. But thanks anyway for the site! Those e-mails are a hoot!"
[email protected]
"I am a 12 year veteran in the IT field, and can remember what I was paid to write the code I am now checking for Y2K compliance. Paybacks are hell, and revenge is OHHH so bitterly sweet. I am now being paid 8 times more to debug code that I originally coded."
[email protected]
"Your web page is wonderful. Unfortunately it will not stop people from being stupid. I have learnt since I was young that the basic impulses of human activities are Ignorance, Fear and Superstition."
[email protected]
"I am a Automation Systems Programmer for a major oil company and have been involved with Y2K compliance with our embedded systems in our oil fields and plants. We have completed testing of our Systems and found NO PROBLEMS! There will be plenty of fuel for the Ignorant Idiots that purchase electrical generators and head for the hills of Montana."
[email protected]
"Evidently you don't know Jesus as your Saviour. You'll be running for the hills like everybody else. As for me I'll be here with food and amo. defending my home."
[email protected]
"Love the site, as a year 2000 project manager I totally agree with you. My favorite idea of the moment is to advertise in thee local press offering to do a year 2000 check on peoples microwaves and charge them £10 to tell them its OK."
[email protected]
"I don't really mind total economic chaos, cataclysmic inadvertent launches of nuclear weapons, raw sewage mixing with the water supply or high security prisons having their doors swing wide open, but if my VCR fails to record Seinfeld while I'm out at a New Year's party I'll be really pissed off!"
[email protected]
"Enjoyed your site. After reading the dire predictions spouted at 99% of the other sites I have visited (most of which, it just so happens, want to sell me survival food/supplies/remote cabins/etc.), your site was a welcome breeze of reality."
[email protected]
"Nowhere on your sight do YOU claim to be wise, understanding or omniscient. You're just having fun, right? Fun I can understand."
[email protected]
"You're telling me this is all a scam after I've already stocked 700 lbs. Of dry cat food for my 9 cats, and 500 lbs of dry dogfood for my 3 dogs, not to mention the beans and rice! This had better come off as they've planned, or I'm going to be pissed."
[email protected]
"I have studied both sides of the issue, and I wish that you and everyone involved would simply stop with the sensationalism and, in your case, understatement."
[email protected]
"Congratulations on an excellent site. Most of it is the truth. I am a Christian and I see many evangelists and whatnot jumping on the bandwagon screaming that 1/12000 is doomsday. They try to push books and video tapes down your throat on this subject for a good buck. You gotta laugh!"
[email protected]
"I have to write a paper on Y2K for a computer class and after some searching came across your site. Thank you for your insight and sense of humor."
[email protected]
"What's with this doom and gloom guy De Jager? He's raking in megabucks scaring the bejeezus out of all and sundry. If this man turns out to be a fraud, he should be raked over the coals."
[email protected]
"although i havn't gone as far as stockpiling food, i have, as a precaution, stockpiled ammo! i really hope that this thing turns out to be total chaos! I'm sure that i will be willing to do my part to cull the herd! every nut for himself!"
[email protected]
"Sheeesh, you want to take all the fun out of life? Y2K is the only way I can get my husband to actually build me a chicken coup."
[email protected]
"Well, there is proof afterall that "Humans can be trained". We are told that we should panic, committ suicide, riot , store supplies and freak out over a computer problem. Sorry, but I for one have no intention of doing that. Human Beings throughout history have delt with far worse problems than this and survived."
[email protected]
"You have missed the point. Your looking at the Bear in front of you when you should be looking at the 2000 other Grizzle Bears standing behind him."
[email protected]
"I hope you're right! But just in case I'm stocking up on toilet paper and spam. Oh, and a little prayer wouldn't hurt either."
[email protected]
".....my charming and somewhat alarmist wife, who tends to gravitate towards apocalyptic escathologies anyway, first became aware of the Millennium bug through the offerings of Gary North. My first clue was a state of hyperventilation that lasted for three days."
[email protected]
"Great site! I'm glad to find others who haven't decided to convert their basements into dry-food, water, and fuel storage. But SOME of the e-mail responses are depressing (I mean for us as a species). Keep up the good work. Remember the words of Dogbert: '2000: It's big! And it's round!'"
[email protected]
"My faith in Human intelligence has been compromised with the uproar of the Y2K problem. I am not afraid of the year 2000 issue, but I am afraid of those that are... I will have Gun and Ammo cocked and ready for any sub-human that will not be able to maintain when 1999 comes to a close... 'FREAKS!'"
[email protected]
"Prayer is the answer. Stay close to God and no matter what happens come January 1, 2000, you will be safe!"
[email protected]
"Dont forget about the riots that will break out in all cities of the world - My teachers at school are warning us about it. Telling us to hold onto our cash, becuase legall tender may become a black market. And how we should convince our parents to buy generators so we can survive the winters."
[email protected]
"My sister has been getting more and more hysterical over this Y2K stuff. She's planning to buy a generator, hand pump for the well, and start stocking up on non-parishables. She has asked her husband to purchase a gun and ammo and wants the entire family to plan to be at her house for Christmas and New Years in 1999. She is actually making herself sick over it!"
[email protected]
"I would want to warn people to read up on Christian Reconstructionism, which is largely behind this scare.... I expect a lot of people might really understand the truth about this hoax if they could know more about where it's coming from."
[email protected]
"Sometimes the extremists can show us just how out of whack our views can become if we aren't thinking with a little bit of logic.... They all believe that the disease is AIDS when in reality it is the common cold or flu."
[email protected]
"My observation is that there seems to be some archetypal longing for something dramatic and life-changing to happen in our lives, and we allow things we don't understand and/or don't control to be a catalyst for its expression."
[email protected]
"The wife and I spent two wonderful hours just stumbling around your page. Damned if I don't think that you have the right slant on the subject."
[email protected]
"In the end, I side with your page. Although, I would have to say that it might not be a bad idea to stock up on some rations before the appointed date."
[email protected]
"Once everyone realizes that everything that they have been told the past two years was just a bunch of hyperbole, the stock market that took it's biggest downfall in history will quickly recover -- leaving guys like me rich because I will buy my stocks in late December and make a killing."
[email protected]
"I am part of the multi-billion dollar industry based on the y2k crisis. I, myself, am uncertain as to what will happen on January 1, 2000, but I make $15/hour working on a major web site for the government and y2k, so I'm not complaining."
[email protected]
"I've been awfully concerned about this Y2K thing, but your site, along with a number of other skeptics, have kicked my technical training back into place.... So I kind of feel silly now."
[email protected]
"I think something will happen on January 1, 2000. All the freaks will be disappointed that hellfire and damnation did not ensue and freakout even more. Should be an entertaining show."
[email protected]
"It's all a Freemason plot, but I won't be celebrating that New Years Eve on a plane going over the international date-line."
[email protected]
"I'm usually quite rational about these things, it's just that there are so many doommongers out there trying to spread there misery and fear that it's hard not to be taken in - because, as someone once said to me 'Repetition is the mother of skill' - the more you say something the more people are liable to believe it."
[email protected]
"In the days of Noah, he was laughed at and not taken seriously!!"
[email protected]
"One of my friends is trying to convince another friend, who is afraid of computers, to withdraw all of her money out of the bank and cash out her TSA's and retirement. It is idiots like these who will get their wish of an economic collpase if they scare others into taking these extraordinary acts."
[email protected]
"There is neither black nor white dealing with preperation, it is more a shade of grey, that reflects individualy perceptions of the potential problems to be encountered, and the risk levels each is willing to take."
[email protected]
"You don't have to head for the hills. Just cover the basics. My faith is in the Lord, not man!!"
[email protected]
"Your site was a nice relief from the hype. I can't wait till January 2000 when 6:00 news crews are running all over the country trying to get footage of calamity. The one lone broken ATM in Dubuque, Iowa is going to be swamped!"
[email protected]
"It's amazing how I was feeling just the other day, some hints of dread were creeping near. But I decided to do some web surfing on the matter and your page helped open some doors."
[email protected]
"The real problem is that the media is trying to sell media ... how many times have we escaped life threatening winter snow dustings, imminent market crashes, etc. anything will be printed/aired that is fit to sell to the public."
[email protected]
"My biggest hope is that the 'bug' will mess up the television and I won't have to listen to the crisis gurus."
[email protected]
"It's like the old internet myth. At one stage many people believed the internet was some kinda vortex-space-universe-thingy that had a life of it's own. Now common people of the street regard the 2000 bug as a virus with a life-force so fierce, it's threatening life as we know it."
[email protected]
"It also looks like Japan delt with this issue back when Hirohito died and they had to reset the 'Emperial Year' back to zero."
[email protected]
"Changing millions of lines and lines of codes on dead records and files is a billion dollar overtime. Don't rock the boat when I am making money!"
[email protected]
"Thanks so much for putting out what you have (though I tremble at the thought that YOU might be part of a conspiracy to keep people from freaking out--funny how self-parasitic paranoia is)."
[email protected]
"On Jan 1 2000 I'll be listening to my shortwave radio and hoping those people out east still have electricity to transmit with!"
[email protected]
"The only thing that absolutely bothers me are the so called 'Christian Survivalist'! ... If you are a Christian and you are troubled by the Y2K to the point of planning an escape, then I suggest you evaluate if your salvation is real and in whom you are placing your faith."
"Your correct when you say the problem is easy to fix, but others are right when they say it's time consuming.... I'm not a doomsday freak but I do think it's a little to late to fix all the big problems."
[email protected]
"Someone has already yelled fire in the theater and I for one have reached the exit while those inside will probably be trampled in the stampede. Whether there is a fire or not is now no longer the issue."
[email protected]
"How do you know what to believe? There is just too much information to disseminate it all."
[email protected]
"The problem is simple, just time consuming to fix, especially on the military satellites and in those countries that can't fix their computer systems - Russia for example."
[email protected]
"I'm so glad you have this page up and running. It's because of people like you that I still have enough time to stock up on food, buy a generator, and take prudent precautions. If my friends and neighbors all laugh at me, that's fine."
[email protected]
"I just checked out your site and I couldn't stop laughing. I never thought I'd actually find anything intelligent on the internet, but there you were!"
[email protected]
"Bravo! Good luck with the crazies. If the sampling of apocalypse email I've received from one little article is any indication, you're in for one hell of a ride!"
[email protected]
"I just saw something on CNN about a institute that teaches how to cure the y2k bug.... They are calling it 'The Fellowship.' Weird."
[email protected]
"Convert your insatiability and acrid permeability to something less pacificist and pedestrian. Cheeze Wiz is always better stocked up for any catastrophe, than random access consumption."
[email protected]
"Looking through the web to back up my thoughts on the y2k, I ran into your very interesting site. I am now 'enlightened' on the fact that the y2k 'conspiracy' (more of an economic hoax) is much deeper than a computer problem."
[email protected]
"The problem exists, we know.... One can think of so many more pressing problems facing the global society."
[email protected]
"If absolutely nothing happens - I'll be very happy, but if things do get wacky - I'll be ready."
[email protected]
"Your comment that your company is stopping new development work to do a billion dollar paper dance confirms my fear that companies are redirecting their resources away from their core businesses and into this preceived problem."
[email protected]
"Some of the problems will not get fixed. The world will change. The world changed today and it changed yesterday.... You may have to do something different than what you are doing this minute. It won't kill you."
[email protected]
"My company has budgeted about 150K this year and 225K next year to deal with the problem. All of witch will be passed on to the consumer. Good luck in your position."
[email protected]
"The only insightful thing you've said is that some folks are truly looking forward to chaos. That is a creepy thought."
[email protected]
"Capitalism, media exploits public for $$$. Making a huge issue about everything is commonplace. The media loves crises, and likes making them up even more."
[email protected]
"Many of the problems will not be found until rarely executed logic patterns are exercised (month end, year end, etc.)."
[email protected]
"My aunt told me that the space aliens would come down and save us from the computer meltdown. I will shoot their space ships out of the sky with my potato gun."
[email protected]
"Thanks for an informative break from the insanity. I have several relatives who have gone crazy with Y2K and it's nice to have your site."
[email protected]
"I certainly hope for a y2k hiccup, but I think the problem is more complex than you think it is. Your site is a great place to exchange views."
[email protected]
"Me, I'm stocking up on canned food. If I'm wrong, I'll have to eat it all in a harmonious new millennium. If I'm right, I'll be laughing and you'll be in the middle of a food riot."
[email protected]
"Go rent the movie 'Trigger Effect' with Kyle Maclachlan and Elizabeth Shue for a preview of Urban North America in the days following 1/1/2000. Frightening."
[email protected]
"'Don't worry, be happy' -- is that really the best you can do?"
[email protected]
"If you think that the first second of 2000 will not cause a problem you must be the stupidest person alive!"
[email protected]
"Thanks for putting up your skeptical web page on the Y2K problem.... Don't get me wrong -- I think there could be some fairly serious disruptions, but as I've investigated the problem on my own I've found that generally companies are working on it and expect to be able to handle the situation."
[email protected]
"What a fantastic site. I just wanted to add my favorite personal rumor: since it'll be 1900, narcotics will once again be legal."
[email protected]
"The (U.S.) government is not mentioned, as it is a certainty that from current information the IRS and other government agencies will not have use of computers in the year 2000, and their work cannot be handled manually."
[email protected]
"Why should anyone believe you? The overwhelming mass of evidence is increasingly pointing to an 'end of life as we know it.'"
[email protected]
"I'm surprised at all the people who feel relieved at your non-chalant effort at discounting the seriousness of the Y2K problem. They seemed to have missed the part where you said 'anyone who doesn't take the time to see how their systems will operate in the Year 00 is inviting disaster'."
[email protected]
"Your site is very intelligent as well as funny ... this whole issue entertains the hell out of me and I believe will help my career as well ... since I do have a band called 'MILLENIUM BUGS'..."
[email protected]
"Yesterday on the radio I heard this freak saying 'there will be no power or food! Start preparing now!' ... The y2k problem being so drastic just did not make sense, and I'm glad you could clear things up a bit."
[email protected]
"I always find it entertaining to read works from paranoid people so i checked out the web to see what the hoopla was all about.... I am glad to come to your website and see that this is a concern but is not a signal for impending doom."
[email protected]
"I have a numbers cipher that I use to get specifics from scriptural ciphers about the results of human imbalances.... They appear to agree with the possability of the worst scenarios. We haven't long to wait to see who is right or whether it is foolish to hedge your bets."
[email protected]
"After a long day of researching the problem for myself, and seeing exactly what all of the important services have ALREADY done to fix the problem, I am not convinced that it is even an issue anymore.... I feel sorry for the people who buy into this ridiculous scam."
[email protected]
"Hey, I noticed that all of the responses sent into your site debunking your work seem to be misspelled.... Are these the same people that caused this problem?"
[email protected]
"Your email response section holds about as much value as as listening to millenarial Christians survivalists.... They are both providing want ears want to hear."
[email protected]
"I am so relieved. I was sure the turn of the century would spell the doom of mankind. Seriously, I for one am pleased to find a sane voice on this issue."
[email protected]
"The doom and gloomers have created the farce - but the business applications will fail and cripple many companies should they fail to address the century field."
[email protected]
"It is true that the propogators of this hysteria are the ones who would benefits from a global mass delusion.... (But) Those who don't make the deadline may corrupt the compliant systems with the possibly bad data from the noncompliant systems."
[email protected]
"As a firm Christian follower, I think (the Y2K hoaxers) are down right sick. Instead of showing the 'end' as it is meant to be shown, as a time of great joy and eternal happiness when the evils of this world are finally erased, (they) have pushed fear as the forefront in an effort to gain popularity."
[email protected]
"I find your comments very interesting, only they dont seem to be backed up by any facts. I want to be open minded about this, but I need facts."
[email protected]
"Most Enjoyable E-Mails ... the next time you hear the sky is falling, catch a falling star and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy-day."
[email protected]
"You say 'It's Nothing, don't worry' Wake up to reality and get that sand out your hair!!!"
[email protected]
"I know lots of people who didn't have jobs once the 1980's recession hit. Even if a recession is worst Y2K scenario, the burden on those effected will be no hoax."
[email protected]
"My return trip from Las Vegas today was made all the more memorable by listening to two tapes made by Christian Fundamentalist preachers who rambled on at length about the Y2K problem and how it was likely to bugger up the whole world and could possibly tie in with the return of Christ, etc.... after two hours of listening to that bullshit, reading the items on your site was quite refreshing."
"Are you saying that the year 2000 problem is not really a problem at all and is just some big conspiracy to fool the public? Or you do beleive it is a problem, you just don't believe it is the end of the world as we know it?"
[email protected]
"Keep up the good rumors everyone, I for one get real kick out of them ('don't buy a vcr till after 2000'). I sure hope all my COBOL classes pay off!"
[email protected]
"I've sat in on so many Year 2000 meetings I have come to realize two simple things. First is Y2K a problem, yes. Is Y2K a big problem, no. Thanks for putting some reality into the debate."
[email protected]
"Your site does very little to refute the persuasive and frightening 'facts' laid out by (other sites). I personally need a little more help understanding why I shouldn't be too worried."
[email protected]
"With all due respect to you...You're about 2 bits short of a byte. I too am involved in the IT industry and have spoken with people in the industry who are making Y2K changes to mainframes. They are inundated! Sure, it's easy to fix. HOWEVER, it's time-consuming!"
[email protected]
"It does not matter what may or may not happen 01/01/00; simply the perception of impending doom will be enough to set chaos in motion. But then, that's OK too."
[email protected]
"I don't think the apocalypse is upon us quite yet, but some might use y2k as an excuse to reorder society more along their lines of thinking."
[email protected]
"Real simple YOU are wrong! It is a real big problem as if you check around the net you will find that a Executive Order for Martial law has and is being discussed in Congress. This is no joke."
[email protected]
"There are many pages out here with differing opinions. What makes you 'in the know' and not them?"
[email protected]
"It seems unwise at this point in time to suggest that Y2K will cause a catastrophic breakdown in society as (some) suggest. It may also not be wise to regard Y2K as a mere hiccup that will be resolved without much ado."
[email protected]
"I just ended a painfully long conversation with a paranoid, not-completely-clued-in friend who has succumbed completely to the Y2K hysteria. In fact he's convinced there's not ENOUGH hysteria or media coverage here."
[email protected]
"Why do people believe that the world is about to grind to a halt on the dawn of the new millenium.... It's all a load of bullshit and you know it and so do I."
[email protected]
"Since the magnitude of the problem is a result of replacing people with computers, wouldn't it be neat to have to replace some of those computer systems with people?"
[email protected]
"I recommend you spend more time with your family then your computer in the next 18 months."
[email protected]
"The money you make off your new web site will be no good when there is nothing to buy."
[email protected]
"All I can say is that if the Y2K problem causes people to pull money out of the stock market, I'll be buying shares all the way down and making money all the way back up."
[email protected]
"Loved your Millennium farce site. Keep up the good work."
[email protected]
"As for me, I'm building a rocketship (2000 compliant of course!) that will zoom me to space for the New Year. I live in a city and I'm outta here. Bon Voyage!!!"
"Prayer is the answer. Stay close to God and no matter what happens come January 1, 2000, you will be safe!"
[email protected]
"Dont forget about the riots that will break out in all cities of the world - My teachers at school are warning us about it. Telling us to hold onto our cash, becuase legall tender may become a black market. And how we should convince our parents to buy generators so we can survive the winters."
[email protected]
"My sister has been getting more and more hysterical over this Y2K stuff. She's planning to buy a generator, hand pump for the well, and start stocking up on non-parishables. She has asked her husband to purchase a gun and ammo and wants the entire family to plan to be at her house for Christmas and New Years in 1999. She is actually making herself sick over it!"
[email protected]
"I would want to warn people to read up on Christian Reconstructionism, which is largely behind this scare.... I expect a lot of people might really understand the truth about this hoax if they could know more about where it's coming from."
[email protected]
"Sometimes the extremists can show us just how out of whack our views can become if we aren't thinking with a little bit of logic.... They all believe that the disease is AIDS when in reality it is the common cold or flu."
[email protected]
"My observation is that there seems to be some archetypal longing for something dramatic and life-changing to happen in our lives, and we allow things we don't understand and/or don't control to be a catalyst for its expression."
[email protected]
"The wife and I spent two wonderful hours just stumbling around your page. Damned if I don't think that you have the right slant on the subject."
[email protected]
"In the end, I side with your page. Although, I would have to say that it might not be a bad idea to stock up on some rations before the appointed date."
[email protected]
"Once everyone realizes that everything that they have been told the past two years was just a bunch of hyperbole, the stock market that took it's biggest downfall in history will quickly recover -- leaving guys like me rich because I will buy my stocks in late December and make a killing."
[email protected]
"I am part of the multi-billion dollar industry based on the y2k crisis. I, myself, am uncertain as to what will happen on January 1, 2000, but I make $15/hour working on a major web site for the government and y2k, so I'm not complaining."
[email protected]
"I've been awfully concerned about this Y2K thing, but your site, along with a number of other skeptics, have kicked my technical training back into place.... So I kind of feel silly now."
[email protected]
"I think something will happen on January 1, 2000. All the freaks will be disappointed that hellfire and damnation did not ensue and freakout even more. Should be an entertaining show."
[email protected]
"It's all a Freemason plot, but I won't be celebrating that New Years Eve on a plane going over the international date-line."
[email protected]
"I'm usually quite rational about these things, it's just that there are so many doommongers out there trying to spread there misery and fear that it's hard not to be taken in - because, as someone once said to me 'Repetition is the mother of skill' - the more you say something the more people are liable to believe it."
[email protected]
"In the days of Noah, he was laughed at and not taken seriously!!"
[email protected]
"One of my friends is trying to convince another friend, who is afraid of computers, to withdraw all of her money out of the bank and cash out her TSA's and retirement. It is idiots like these who will get their wish of an economic collpase if they scare others into taking these extraordinary acts."
[email protected]
"There is neither black nor white dealing with preperation, it is more a shade of grey, that reflects individualy perceptions of the potential problems to be encountered, and the risk levels each is willing to take."
[email protected]
"You don't have to head for the hills. Just cover the basics. My faith is in the Lord, not man!!"
[email protected]
"Your site was a nice relief from the hype. I can't wait till January 2000 when 6:00 news crews are running all over the country trying to get footage of calamity. The one lone broken ATM in Dubuque, Iowa is going to be swamped!"
[email protected]
"It's amazing how I was feeling just the other day, some hints of dread were creeping near. But I decided to do some web surfing on the matter and your page helped open some doors."
[email protected]
"The real problem is that the media is trying to sell media ... how many times have we escaped life threatening winter snow dustings, imminent market crashes, etc. anything will be printed/aired that is fit to sell to the public."
[email protected]
"My biggest hope is that the 'bug' will mess up the television and I won't have to listen to the crisis gurus."
[email protected]
"It's like the old internet myth. At one stage many people believed the internet was some kinda vortex-space-universe-thingy that had a life of it's own. Now common people of the street regard the 2000 bug as a virus with a life-force so fierce, it's threatening life as we know it."
[email protected]
"It also looks like Japan delt with this issue back when Hirohito died and they had to reset the 'Emperial Year' back to zero."
[email protected]
"Changing millions of lines and lines of codes on dead records and files is a billion dollar overtime. Don't rock the boat when I am making money!"
[email protected]
"Thanks so much for putting out what you have (though I tremble at the thought that YOU might be part of a conspiracy to keep people from freaking out--funny how self-parasitic paranoia is)."
[email protected]
"On Jan 1 2000 I'll be listening to my shortwave radio and hoping those people out east still have electricity to transmit with!"
[email protected]
"The only thing that absolutely bothers me are the so called 'Christian Survivalist'! ... If you are a Christian and you are troubled by the Y2K to the point of planning an escape, then I suggest you evaluate if your salvation is real and in whom you are placing your faith."
"Your correct when you say the problem is easy to fix, but others are right when they say it's time consuming.... I'm not a doomsday freak but I do think it's a little to late to fix all the big problems."
[email protected]
"Someone has already yelled fire in the theater and I for one have reached the exit while those inside will probably be trampled in the stampede. Whether there is a fire or not is now no longer the issue."
[email protected]
"How do you know what to believe? There is just too much information to disseminate it all."
[email protected]
"The problem is simple, just time consuming to fix, especially on the military satellites and in those countries that can't fix their computer systems - Russia for example."
[email protected]
"I'm so glad you have this page up and running. It's because of people like you that I still have enough time to stock up on food, buy a generator, and take prudent precautions. If my friends and neighbors all laugh at me, that's fine."
[email protected]
"I just checked out your site and I couldn't stop laughing. I never thought I'd actually find anything intelligent on the internet, but there you were!"
[email protected]
"Bravo! Good luck with the crazies. If the sampling of apocalypse email I've received from one little article is any indication, you're in for one hell of a ride!"
[email protected]
"I just saw something on CNN about a institute that teaches how to cure the y2k bug.... They are calling it 'The Fellowship.' Weird."
[email protected]
"Convert your insatiability and acrid permeability to something less pacificist and pedestrian. Cheeze Wiz is always better stocked up for any catastrophe, than random access consumption."
[email protected]
"Looking through the web to back up my thoughts on the y2k, I ran into your very interesting site. I am now 'enlightened' on the fact that the y2k 'conspiracy' (more of an economic hoax) is much deeper than a computer problem."
[email protected]
"The problem exists, we know.... One can think of so many more pressing problems facing the global society."
[email protected]
"If absolutely nothing happens - I'll be very happy, but if things do get wacky - I'll be ready."
[email protected]
"Your comment that your company is stopping new development work to do a billion dollar paper dance confirms my fear that companies are redirecting their resources away from their core businesses and into this preceived problem."
[email protected]
"Some of the problems will not get fixed. The world will change. The world changed today and it changed yesterday.... You may have to do something different than what you are doing this minute. It won't kill you."
[email protected]
"My company has budgeted about 150K this year and 225K next year to deal with the problem. All of witch will be passed on to the consumer. Good luck in your position."
[email protected]
"The only insightful thing you've said is that some folks are truly looking forward to chaos. That is a creepy thought."
[email protected]
"Capitalism, media exploits public for $$$. Making a huge issue about everything is commonplace. The media loves crises, and likes making them up even more."
[email protected]
"Many of the problems will not be found until rarely executed logic patterns are exercised (month end, year end, etc.)."
[email protected]
"My aunt told me that the space aliens would come down and save us from the computer meltdown. I will shoot their space ships out of the sky with my potato gun."
[email protected]
"Thanks for an informative break from the insanity. I have several relatives who have gone crazy with Y2K and it's nice to have your site."
[email protected]
"I certainly hope for a y2k hiccup, but I think the problem is more complex than you think it is. Your site is a great place to exchange views."
[email protected]
"Me, I'm stocking up on canned food. If I'm wrong, I'll have to eat it all in a harmonious new millennium. If I'm right, I'll be laughing and you'll be in the middle of a food riot."
[email protected]
"Go rent the movie 'Trigger Effect' with Kyle Maclachlan and Elizabeth Shue for a preview of Urban North America in the days following 1/1/2000. Frightening."
[email protected]
"'Don't worry, be happy' -- is that really the best you can do?"
[email protected]
"If you think that the first second of 2000 will not cause a problem you must be the stupidest person alive!"
[email protected]
"Thanks for putting up your skeptical web page on the Y2K problem.... Don't get me wrong -- I think there could be some fairly serious disruptions, but as I've investigated the problem on my own I've found that generally companies are working on it and expect to be able to handle the situation."
[email protected]
"What a fantastic site. I just wanted to add my favorite personal rumor: since it'll be 1900, narcotics will once again be legal."
[email protected]
"The (U.S.) government is not mentioned, as it is a certainty that from current information the IRS and other government agencies will not have use of computers in the year 2000, and their work cannot be handled manually."
[email protected]
"Why should anyone believe you? The overwhelming mass of evidence is increasingly pointing to an 'end of life as we know it.'"
[email protected]
"I'm surprised at all the people who feel relieved at your non-chalant effort at discounting the seriousness of the Y2K problem. They seemed to have missed the part where you said 'anyone who doesn't take the time to see how their systems will operate in the Year 00 is inviting disaster'."
[email protected]
"Your site is very intelligent as well as funny ... this whole issue entertains the hell out of me and I believe will help my career as well ... since I do have a band called 'MILLENIUM BUGS'..."
[email protected]
"Yesterday on the radio I heard this freak saying 'there will be no power or food! Start preparing now!' ... The y2k problem being so drastic just did not make sense, and I'm glad you could clear things up a bit."
[email protected]
"I always find it entertaining to read works from paranoid people so i checked out the web to see what the hoopla was all about.... I am glad to come to your website and see that this is a concern but is not a signal for impending doom."
[email protected]
"I have a numbers cipher that I use to get specifics from scriptural ciphers about the results of human imbalances.... They appear to agree with the possability of the worst scenarios. We haven't long to wait to see who is right or whether it is foolish to hedge your bets."
[email protected]
"After a long day of researching the problem for myself, and seeing exactly what all of the important services have ALREADY done to fix the problem, I am not convinced that it is even an issue anymore.... I feel sorry for the people who buy into this ridiculous scam."
[email protected]
"Hey, I noticed that all of the responses sent into your site debunking your work seem to be misspelled.... Are these the same people that caused this problem?"
[email protected]
"Your email response section holds about as much value as as listening to millenarial Christians survivalists.... They are both providing want ears want to hear."
[email protected]
"I am so relieved. I was sure the turn of the century would spell the doom of mankind. Seriously, I for one am pleased to find a sane voice on this issue."
[email protected]
"The doom and gloomers have created the farce - but the business applications will fail and cripple many companies should they fail to address the century field."
[email protected]
"It is true that the propogators of this hysteria are the ones who would benefits from a global mass delusion.... (But) Those who don't make the deadline may corrupt the compliant systems with the possibly bad data from the noncompliant systems."
[email protected]
"As a firm Christian follower, I think (the Y2K hoaxers) are down right sick. Instead of showing the 'end' as it is meant to be shown, as a time of great joy and eternal happiness when the evils of this world are finally erased, (they) have pushed fear as the forefront in an effort to gain popularity."
[email protected]
"I find your comments very interesting, only they dont seem to be backed up by any facts. I want to be open minded about this, but I need facts."
[email protected]
"Most Enjoyable E-Mails ... the next time you hear the sky is falling, catch a falling star and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy-day."
[email protected]
"You say 'It's Nothing, don't worry' Wake up to reality and get that sand out your hair!!!"
[email protected]
"I know lots of people who didn't have jobs once the 1980's recession hit. Even if a recession is worst Y2K scenario, the burden on those effected will be no hoax."
[email protected]
"My return trip from Las Vegas today was made all the more memorable by listening to two tapes made by Christian Fundamentalist preachers who rambled on at length about the Y2K problem and how it was likely to bugger up the whole world and could possibly tie in with the return of Christ, etc.... after two hours of listening to that bullshit, reading the items on your site was quite refreshing."
"Are you saying that the year 2000 problem is not really a problem at all and is just some big conspiracy to fool the public? Or you do beleive it is a problem, you just don't believe it is the end of the world as we know it?"
[email protected]
"Keep up the good rumors everyone, I for one get real kick out of them ('don't buy a vcr till after 2000'). I sure hope all my COBOL classes pay off!"
[email protected]
"I've sat in on so many Year 2000 meetings I have come to realize two simple things. First is Y2K a problem, yes. Is Y2K a big problem, no. Thanks for putting some reality into the debate."
[email protected]
"Your site does very little to refute the persuasive and frightening 'facts' laid out by (other sites). I personally need a little more help understanding why I shouldn't be too worried."
[email protected]
"With all due respect to you...You're about 2 bits short of a byte. I too am involved in the IT industry and have spoken with people in the industry who are making Y2K changes to mainframes. They are inundated! Sure, it's easy to fix. HOWEVER, it's time-consuming!"
[email protected]
"It does not matter what may or may not happen 01/01/00; simply the perception of impending doom will be enough to set chaos in motion. But then, that's OK too."
[email protected]
"I don't think the apocalypse is upon us quite yet, but some might use y2k as an excuse to reorder society more along their lines of thinking."
[email protected]
"Real simple YOU are wrong! It is a real big problem as if you check around the net you will find that a Executive Order for Martial law has and is being discussed in Congress. This is no joke."
[email protected]
"There are many pages out here with differing opinions. What makes you 'in the know' and not them?"
[email protected]
"It seems unwise at this point in time to suggest that Y2K will cause a catastrophic breakdown in society as (some) suggest. It may also not be wise to regard Y2K as a mere hiccup that will be resolved without much ado."
[email protected]
"I just ended a painfully long conversation with a paranoid, not-completely-clued-in friend who has succumbed completely to the Y2K hysteria. In fact he's convinced there's not ENOUGH hysteria or media coverage here."
[email protected]
"Why do people believe that the world is about to grind to a halt on the dawn of the new millenium.... It's all a load of bullshit and you know it and so do I."
[email protected]
"Since the magnitude of the problem is a result of replacing people with computers, wouldn't it be neat to have to replace some of those computer systems with people?"
[email protected]
"I recommend you spend more time with your family then your computer in the next 18 months."
[email protected]
"The money you make off your new web site will be no good when there is nothing to buy."
[email protected]
"All I can say is that if the Y2K problem causes people to pull money out of the stock market, I'll be buying shares all the way down and making money all the way back up."
[email protected]
"Loved your Millennium farce site. Keep up the good work."
[email protected]
"As for me, I'm building a rocketship (2000 compliant of course!) that will zoom me to space for the New Year. I live in a city and I'm outta here. Bon Voyage!!!"
[email protected]
"Y2K has been responsible for loosening the purse strings around the office.... Y2K has replaced more borderline obsolete equipment than begging, pleading, sabotaging, and direct threats combined."
[email protected]
"I've called and/or e-mailed the companies who make or supply products that I own and use. Mazda told me not to worry---- if my car doesn't start on Jan 1, 2000, it won't be because of the millenium bug. When I asked for that in writing, I was told "No." What am I supposed to believe now?"
[email protected]
"It amazes me how many people who say they will prepare by taking all of their money out of the bank and if nothing happens they will just laugh. If they all take their money out of the banks they will not be laughing. In fact they will probably be robbed."
[email protected]
"This Y2k bug will be a disaster, people in New York for the Ball Drop on December 31, 1999 will be crushed as the ball falls from the sky at 11:59:59 at night and busts into a million pieces of Titanium. Sound's like a Hoax to you? I didn't think so. Good luck on re-programming you BIOS because when the bug hits, you wont be able to fix shit."
[email protected]
"Y2K is a sham ... PCs wont do much even if they're not so-called 'Y2K compliant' the most that will happen is they will go back to Tuesday, March 1st, 1980 big deal."
[email protected]
"Everyone is going to go into a hysteria and start killing random people! I bet its just us, Americans, that are doing this. I bet all the other countries are laughing at us just like with the 'Clinton Scandal.'"
[email protected]
"Our liability insurance company is wanting a letter from the software and hardware companies that their product is year 2000 ready, because the insurance company stated that the Y2k problem is going to be nothing but a 'one big happy lawsuit.'"
[email protected]
"My lights and TV will go dead and I won't see the ball dropping in NY. Now if only I could figure out how to build a kerosene-powered TV set. Can anyone out there help me? I tried watching my TV by candle-light but couldn't see anything."
[email protected]
"unlike websites that outline the problems (for example with embedded chips) yours has no serious info to the contrary. I had been hoping to get some actual good news from your site but there is none!!"
[email protected]
"I plan to have a stress free and enjoyable New Years Eve 1999 and I will laugh my ass off when the computer gurus get on TV and say everything is okay on Jan 1!!!"
[email protected]
"If you think this will stop after the 1st January 2000, you are making a big mistake !!! Dont forget about 29 February (2000 is a leap year). So we will have about a few months of panic."
[email protected]
"It's nice to find a rational site amid this jumble of rumors & myths & fact. I stumbled to your site while watching CNBC Asia.... But some of the things you say that things will go all well is probably only true in advanced countries such as yours...back here in Indonesia, I told my relatives to withdraw cash gradually from the bank, just in case."
[email protected]
"Does this mean the million dollar lab I built for my Fortune 100 company will have to come down on 01/01/00? Damn! Doom and Quake worked so well on those computers."
[email protected]
"You are absolutely right, never has so much hysteria been created by so few numb-nuts.... Mind you, if it provides an opportunity for someone to invade America and burn its capital to the ground (which I have always loved the Canadians for) then that's fine by me."
[email protected]
"I was at a utility seminar this week where the UK gas, electric,water and telecoms all said there will be NO problems. The guy from British Telecom said the only worry they had was 30 million people picking their phone up all at once at 12:01 to see if they had a dialtone."
[email protected]
"I do believe that a lot of freaked people will start selling their stocks before the year is up and that will drive down all the prices. I want to be there to buy everything up at a bargain price."
[email protected]
"After seeing your site, I wonder if my parents and grandparents didn't already know it. We have gas tanks on the farm, a generator in the shed, water from our own well, enough food for a few weeks, and we use a Mac."
[email protected]
"One mans courage to confront the masses with the TRUTH is very refreshing in a world of moronic media brainwashed zombies."
[email protected]
"Isn't it convenient that people use computers to tell the world that computers will end it for all of us?"
[email protected]
"For those looking for a conspiracy, I'd take a closer look at the computer consultants making megabucks off of the unrest they themselves started.... When things settle down a bit, maybe 01/02/00, we can all go back to our lives, and the paranoid can go back to finding faces on Mars."
[email protected]
"The biggest problem is if everyone hits the panic button enmasse, sites like yours may become more important than you think."
[email protected]
"Who do you think you are? Telling the truth to people! Not making money from the problem! I agree, Y2K is a hoax and nobody dares to say it. Computer problems happen all the time."
[email protected]
"You website has a certain flair to it: Realism. It says in plain words that Y2k is just silly."
[email protected]
"You are not God you do not know what is going to happen. But I appreciate your opinions."
[email protected]
"Thank you for posting such a worth-while Y2K page! I agree 100%!!! Let the scam roll-on...."
[email protected]
"Here on the east coast of Florida, anyone who does not have a generator, food, water and other essentials (including cash, weapons, etc.) is a moron or a democrat."
[email protected]
"Scoff if you will. I'd rather play it safe and have some cash and food on hand and be wrong and nopt have to visit the bank or the grocvery store for week or two, then guess wrong and be hungry and unable to do anything about it. (who thinks you may be right but isnt willing to bet on it)."
[email protected]
"Stock markets will crash? So the way I see it, all we are facing is just a global financial collapse (redistribution of wealth) as I see it ... and plenty of new opportunity for new business ventures."
[email protected]
"You know, with all of the media-perpetuated freak-outs over the Y2K problem, it's nice to come across a website like yours which adds a little levity to the situation. Thanks for calming me down, because unfortunately I was one of the people in the masses who was starting to buy into the media frenzy."
[email protected]
"Isn't there a strong possibility that viruses are being/have been created to ensure there will be a problem?"
[email protected]
"My Sociology teacher 4th Mod told my class of the extreme mass destruction the Y2K would cause. His hellish vision also foretold riots, theft, and complete chaos. Granted, my teacher is a minister, and I believe his pessimistic view was influenced by his religious background."
[email protected]
"If it is not a big problem then why did the State of WA announce they are calling out the National Guard? Are you smarter than my Governor and his Tech. aids?"
[email protected]
"Let's see... The end of the world is coming so grab your guns. What's all this got to do with Jesus? Where in the Bible does it say that you know the hour of His coming? If Jesus needs you to head for the hills with guns over a computer software glitch you need Sunday school lessons."
[email protected]
"The reason some people think Japanese systems may not have a problem is that they SOMETIMES use the year of the Emporer's reign, not the Christian calendar. Good Luck!"
[email protected]
"I don't understand this Christian belief that Y2K will bring about the Second Coming. Why would it?? What about this year is any more special than last year, or 1908, or 521 or whatever? Perhaps, since the Year A.D. 2000 just sounds so cool, everyone is anxious to include it in their predictions or beliefs."
[email protected]
"I would like to thank you for a wonderful page that has guided me to the truth and eased my growing fears considerably. Without your page, I may never have had the courage to face 2000."
[email protected]
"What I love are the idiots who respond to your site with malice that you could have the gaul to speak a truth, and not go along with their 'rooster' mentality concerning the millennium nonsense."
[email protected]
"The Only thing that will happen at the ball-drop in NYC is that the damn thing will lose its power before it gets to the bottom because all the braindead of the world will turn their computers on at 23:59:50 and put their fingers in their ears awaiting their monitors exploding -- brownouts will be the only problem."
"Y2K has been responsible for loosening the purse strings around the office.... Y2K has replaced more borderline obsolete equipment than begging, pleading, sabotaging, and direct threats combined."
[email protected]
"I've called and/or e-mailed the companies who make or supply products that I own and use. Mazda told me not to worry---- if my car doesn't start on Jan 1, 2000, it won't be because of the millenium bug. When I asked for that in writing, I was told "No." What am I supposed to believe now?"
[email protected]
"It amazes me how many people who say they will prepare by taking all of their money out of the bank and if nothing happens they will just laugh. If they all take their money out of the banks they will not be laughing. In fact they will probably be robbed."
[email protected]
"This Y2k bug will be a disaster, people in New York for the Ball Drop on December 31, 1999 will be crushed as the ball falls from the sky at 11:59:59 at night and busts into a million pieces of Titanium. Sound's like a Hoax to you? I didn't think so. Good luck on re-programming you BIOS because when the bug hits, you wont be able to fix shit."
[email protected]
"Y2K is a sham ... PCs wont do much even if they're not so-called 'Y2K compliant' the most that will happen is they will go back to Tuesday, March 1st, 1980 big deal."
[email protected]
"Everyone is going to go into a hysteria and start killing random people! I bet its just us, Americans, that are doing this. I bet all the other countries are laughing at us just like with the 'Clinton Scandal.'"
[email protected]
"Our liability insurance company is wanting a letter from the software and hardware companies that their product is year 2000 ready, because the insurance company stated that the Y2k problem is going to be nothing but a 'one big happy lawsuit.'"
[email protected]
"My lights and TV will go dead and I won't see the ball dropping in NY. Now if only I could figure out how to build a kerosene-powered TV set. Can anyone out there help me? I tried watching my TV by candle-light but couldn't see anything."
[email protected]
"unlike websites that outline the problems (for example with embedded chips) yours has no serious info to the contrary. I had been hoping to get some actual good news from your site but there is none!!"
[email protected]
"I plan to have a stress free and enjoyable New Years Eve 1999 and I will laugh my ass off when the computer gurus get on TV and say everything is okay on Jan 1!!!"
[email protected]
"If you think this will stop after the 1st January 2000, you are making a big mistake !!! Dont forget about 29 February (2000 is a leap year). So we will have about a few months of panic."
[email protected]
"It's nice to find a rational site amid this jumble of rumors & myths & fact. I stumbled to your site while watching CNBC Asia.... But some of the things you say that things will go all well is probably only true in advanced countries such as yours...back here in Indonesia, I told my relatives to withdraw cash gradually from the bank, just in case."
[email protected]
"Does this mean the million dollar lab I built for my Fortune 100 company will have to come down on 01/01/00? Damn! Doom and Quake worked so well on those computers."
[email protected]
"You are absolutely right, never has so much hysteria been created by so few numb-nuts.... Mind you, if it provides an opportunity for someone to invade America and burn its capital to the ground (which I have always loved the Canadians for) then that's fine by me."
[email protected]
"I was at a utility seminar this week where the UK gas, electric,water and telecoms all said there will be NO problems. The guy from British Telecom said the only worry they had was 30 million people picking their phone up all at once at 12:01 to see if they had a dialtone."
[email protected]
"I do believe that a lot of freaked people will start selling their stocks before the year is up and that will drive down all the prices. I want to be there to buy everything up at a bargain price."
[email protected]
"After seeing your site, I wonder if my parents and grandparents didn't already know it. We have gas tanks on the farm, a generator in the shed, water from our own well, enough food for a few weeks, and we use a Mac."
[email protected]
"One mans courage to confront the masses with the TRUTH is very refreshing in a world of moronic media brainwashed zombies."
[email protected]
"Isn't it convenient that people use computers to tell the world that computers will end it for all of us?"
[email protected]
"For those looking for a conspiracy, I'd take a closer look at the computer consultants making megabucks off of the unrest they themselves started.... When things settle down a bit, maybe 01/02/00, we can all go back to our lives, and the paranoid can go back to finding faces on Mars."
[email protected]
"The biggest problem is if everyone hits the panic button enmasse, sites like yours may become more important than you think."
[email protected]
"Who do you think you are? Telling the truth to people! Not making money from the problem! I agree, Y2K is a hoax and nobody dares to say it. Computer problems happen all the time."
[email protected]
"You website has a certain flair to it: Realism. It says in plain words that Y2k is just silly."
[email protected]
"You are not God you do not know what is going to happen. But I appreciate your opinions."
[email protected]
"Thank you for posting such a worth-while Y2K page! I agree 100%!!! Let the scam roll-on...."
[email protected]
"Here on the east coast of Florida, anyone who does not have a generator, food, water and other essentials (including cash, weapons, etc.) is a moron or a democrat."
[email protected]
"Scoff if you will. I'd rather play it safe and have some cash and food on hand and be wrong and nopt have to visit the bank or the grocvery store for week or two, then guess wrong and be hungry and unable to do anything about it. (who thinks you may be right but isnt willing to bet on it)."
[email protected]
"Stock markets will crash? So the way I see it, all we are facing is just a global financial collapse (redistribution of wealth) as I see it ... and plenty of new opportunity for new business ventures."
[email protected]
"You know, with all of the media-perpetuated freak-outs over the Y2K problem, it's nice to come across a website like yours which adds a little levity to the situation. Thanks for calming me down, because unfortunately I was one of the people in the masses who was starting to buy into the media frenzy."
[email protected]
"Isn't there a strong possibility that viruses are being/have been created to ensure there will be a problem?"
[email protected]
"My Sociology teacher 4th Mod told my class of the extreme mass destruction the Y2K would cause. His hellish vision also foretold riots, theft, and complete chaos. Granted, my teacher is a minister, and I believe his pessimistic view was influenced by his religious background."
[email protected]
"If it is not a big problem then why did the State of WA announce they are calling out the National Guard? Are you smarter than my Governor and his Tech. aids?"
[email protected]
"Let's see... The end of the world is coming so grab your guns. What's all this got to do with Jesus? Where in the Bible does it say that you know the hour of His coming? If Jesus needs you to head for the hills with guns over a computer software glitch you need Sunday school lessons."
[email protected]
"The reason some people think Japanese systems may not have a problem is that they SOMETIMES use the year of the Emporer's reign, not the Christian calendar. Good Luck!"
[email protected]
"I don't understand this Christian belief that Y2K will bring about the Second Coming. Why would it?? What about this year is any more special than last year, or 1908, or 521 or whatever? Perhaps, since the Year A.D. 2000 just sounds so cool, everyone is anxious to include it in their predictions or beliefs."
[email protected]
"I would like to thank you for a wonderful page that has guided me to the truth and eased my growing fears considerably. Without your page, I may never have had the courage to face 2000."
[email protected]
"What I love are the idiots who respond to your site with malice that you could have the gaul to speak a truth, and not go along with their 'rooster' mentality concerning the millennium nonsense."
[email protected]
"The Only thing that will happen at the ball-drop in NYC is that the damn thing will lose its power before it gets to the bottom because all the braindead of the world will turn their computers on at 23:59:50 and put their fingers in their ears awaiting their monitors exploding -- brownouts will be the only problem."
[email protected]
"I've been programming for almost 10 years and I've experienced hundreds of crisis situations much more complex than this date problem.... As for the hysterical non-programmers of the world... they need to shut up and butt out because they just don't understand this issue."
[email protected]
"I work in the computer industry, and of course people are going bonkers, but most of my coworkers and I believe that the biggest danger comes not from the 'Y2k bug' itself, but from the people who are, deliberately or otherwise, using the occasion to foment a bit of lawlessness."
[email protected]
"Having been in the computer world for a few years, I wish I could identify what it is, that is causing all these people to behave so irrationally.... I don't doubt for one moment there are some computers that will possibly burp, there will be some software apps, that will mis calculate due to lazy data entry habits, (two-digits for year). But overall, this is not a show stopper."
[email protected]
"This earth is full of murder, hate, killing and awful things. We need to remember our creator and Y2K, MAY, make some of us remember this. If nothing happens, GREAT, I won't have to buy groceries for a little while! But if it does I know I have tried a little to prepare and I know that GOD loves me just as I am."
[email protected]
"I looked through some of the responses on your feedback page. As a Christian, i am embarrassed at the comments made by some of the 'believers' regarding judgement and punishment.... That people hatefully reject your view on Y2K and try to link it with 'judgment' - that's what in my ministry is called 'Spiritual Abuse'. In my eyes what does Y2K and Jesus have in common? Nothing. There is no correlation between what programmers chose to do decades ago and what Jesus did 2000 years ago."
[email protected]
"Oh, to spice up your web page you need to talk to my mother..she swears they are secretly building compounds for those who cannot pay their bills and need some place to go Jan 1 2000, She also swears that her timing chain in her car won't function so she is having that Y2K ready, every day I get a new fear from her."
[email protected]
"Amid the growing hysteria, I am glad that not everyone thinks it is 'the end of the world' or 'God's judgement upon mankind'. These doomsayers almost seem to relish the thought as a vindication of their belief."
"Just close your eyes and clear your head and try to think of all the places where embedded chips might be. Try to think of the impossible places to test like undesea pipelines and pumps or the sheer magnitude of the number of telephone switches that must be checked compared to the number of programmers of available to do the job. It boils down to simple math."
[email protected]
"To me the real issue, the government is so full of lies and spin and with this y2k problem there seems to be plenty going in all directions, mostly that it's a bump in the road. My problem with the government is that I know for a fact (I really do) that they are preparing to have camps across the country. This more than anything bugs me. Is the y2k problem more than a hoax? possibly a front? If, then a front for what?"
[email protected]
"Recently, my company began a Y2K compliancy program, and half of the things they asked me to check were totally ridiculous. Battery chargers, diesel trucks, RADIOS in trucks, etc.... Those who know the truth, that at best, there will be little or no problems, are ignored, while the fear mongers amongst us are being listened to and believed."
[email protected]
"I have a young family to think about and if I ignore this possible threat what kind of mother am I? You be sure to notify me when your degree in fortune telling arrives."
[email protected]
"I hope for your soul's sake that you are just ignorant.... I admit, I could be wrong about Y2K. But if I'm not, this is a matter of life and death for millions of people. Are you really willing to take that risk?"
[email protected]
"is your site a joke? are you serious? ... if you are wrong you die, if i am wrong i get laughed at"
[email protected]
"Unfortunately the majority of the people refuse to believe that such an event could happen, they don't want to be disturbed in their comfort zone. So I choose to be a realist. By the way, judgement upon America is right around the corner. The Lord Jesus will protect his own, however!"
[email protected]
"You must be a real pile of bad smell and soon you will not be the only one. I do not have to pray, for I know all of mankind will soon get what it deserves!"
[email protected]
"Someone may use this as an opportunity to conduct techno terrorism. If Melissa can cause the problems (and some believe it was a test), a virus, when combined with the problems that will exist, can cause massive problems which may seem to be a verification of the 'end of technology'"
[email protected]
"Is there ANY ounce of truth to any of this crap!? I've heard that VIBRATORS will stop!!! Hey, if you find a vibrator smart enough to tell the date & time, please let me know!!"
[email protected]
"Is it true or a bunch of hog wash that vehicles will stop running? A car does not read a date (except for a couple of the luxury models out there). If you have a car that does not read a date, how in the hell will a car stop running?"
[email protected]
"I have been treated as a leper for not 'realising' the danger that we are in coming up to the turn of the Century. I personally know people who are taking advantage of this scam and they are starting to believe their own crap!"
"I am in the military working in a hospital. I fix the medical equipment there. I have been appointed Y2K representative for the equipment in the hospital. Of the 1700+ pieces of equipment in the hospital only 25 will be affected --- and the biggest problem faced --- the date will not print right on the test strip. I have heard that a pencil is a good fix for this, but perhaps we need to spend a ton more money just to study if this will work."
[email protected]
"Found your site today and am hugely relieved to find an island of sanity on the North American continent!! ... Is it because you're Canadian?? From my view point in Australia it seems as if the US is just full of Chicken Littles darting terrified glances at the sky.... The only difference today is that the shysters have access to much bigger audiences."
[email protected]
"I would like to know how to make some cash off these fools and get rich. Maybe if I stock up on those meal supplement drinks, bulk and canned foods and bottled water I can start making a killing in October and November when these idiots really start to panic."
"I have attached a copy of a nomination I made to the Australian Skeptics for the annual Bent Spoon award, where I collectively nominated the same people your site is about."
[email protected]
"I truly hope Y2K is a hoax. BUT ... It got me off my fat butt and into action to provide some reasonable disaster preparedness for my loved ones!! Thanks for your site. It adds real balance to this issue!"
[email protected]
"what makes you and all the rest of the world think they know whats going to happen in the future, things unimaginable can happen, disastorious things, what if you are wrong? what if they are wrong?"
"You might want to get your facts straight. I have been following this problem for over 2.5 years and have read thousands of articles from numerous sources. July 1997 front cover of newsweek was just the begining.... You like many other critics will be very silent in January."
[email protected]>
"I will keep your forecast on file and will email you, one week after Jan. 1, 2000 and if you are correct I can still communicate with you because our ISP will still be working. I also suggest that you become serious on this matter and avoid jokes. There are some people who believe you and they will take your every word you say. This is also true for the doomsayers. -- Yours in Christ,"
[email protected]
"Everyone drawing all their money out of the banks because they do not want to loose it and what they are doing is DESTROYING the economy!! This COULD be a distaster, it would be riotous everywhere."
[email protected]
"Your site has helped alot in not only my understanding of this whole shin-dig, but it's also helping my grade. Without this site my paper would've been alot harder...glad you see this whole thing my way..."
"If we talk about something long enough it may just come true. To quote the great philosopher in disguise, George Burns: 'Fairytales can come true ... it can happen to you...'"
[email protected]
"I'm not a programmer, but I've read hundreds of articles on y2k and I know what's coming.... You should be scared shitless. Don't be so narrow minded. Start reading stuff on the net."
[email protected]
"The same thing happened in 1000, and I'm sure the same thing will happen in 3000. They won't be able to use the 'Y3K computer bug' as an excuse for why the world will end in 3000, but they will think of something."
[email protected]
"Is it ethical and legal to sell survival kits to people who are scared to death because they simply do not understand the technological elements of the problem and are frighten by the implication and feelings of helplessness?"
[email protected]
"There are a lot of DRAMA kings and queens today. Don't even try to talk sense to the fools. This y2k situation is just another thing to add more excitemnet into their boring lives."
[email protected]
"A couple of years ago I was living in south Florida. I underestimated the power of hurricane Andrew. I don't intend to be caught underestimating another catastrophe."
[email protected]
"I myself am amazed at how incredibly hyped up this whole issue has become. People I know with no computer knowledge are worried that their toasters won't work after 2000.... The whole thing makes me want to pull my hair out and run screaming through the streets."
[email protected]
"Thank you for your common sense and good humor. It's nice to know there a few pepole left who can actually think!"
[email protected]
"i'll pray 4 u"
[email protected]
"You're right that if bad things happen, that they'll happen just because people think they're going to happen. So silly. As someone who's worked as a programmer on Y2K projects, I have to say that I personally couldn't get *anything* really bad to happen to programs we were fixing."
[email protected]
"The MTBF (mean time between failure) for a typical computer is no more than an hour. This means that, for a computer that is running at least during business hours, there are on the average at least 2,000 failures per year, or 2,000,000 failures per millennium."
[email protected]
"Do you suppose it's possible that the escalating Y2K budgets are in part caused by people taking advantage of the fear and getting those new computers and equipment they've been wanting?"
[email protected]
"When I reported to my politician bosses that we wouldn't need to spend a fortune to fix this 'crisis', I got my head handed to me.... In my research I have found many sites where local governments have spent a lot of money and time planning and testing, but they never seem to say how the tests turned out. Could it be that they don't want to admit that they have wasted a ton of taxpayer money for no good reason?"
[email protected]
"Yes, it's just a number. One of the biggest assumptions that you are making is that there are enought competent programmers who can keep focused amid the mass hysteria to get the job done right. I'm stocking up and getting out into the country just in case."
[email protected]
"It's good to find someone w/ the courage to say, 'The Emperor is wearing no clothes.' Please folks, don't start rashly selling your investments. Sheer panic can ruin a market just as surely as an actual problem!"
[email protected]
"As for elevators crashing to earth, as I told my boss when he raised the issue: Anyone who is sad enough to be in an elevator at midnight on millennium eve won't be missed if the thing crashes to the basement."
[email protected]
"Maybe it's the thrill, perhaps to the extent of sexual excitation, to believe there will be chaos. I hope they aren't too disappointed..."
[email protected]
"Regarding the hype you speak of, I witnessed exactly the same thing in the UK with BS 5750 (British Standards Institute certificate for quality assurance) and then its international equivalent ISO 9000. Expensive consultants creating jobs for themselves... I assume those folks are now safely riding on the Y2K hype."
[email protected]
"How can you make the computer bug and send it to other computers. (Do U have any saved on disk that you could send so I could test it for myself."
[email protected]
"japan is in y2k trouble ... embedded chip capital of the world? japan ... mountains, rivers, too many obstructions- most all is burried.... japan is size of california- but flat area is only that of rode island- ... you must learn more."
[email protected]
"God's Wisdom to Help with Y2K: Proverbs 26:12 'Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.'"
[email protected]
"Y2K over 30 years old! As loans are concerned, the Y2K problem hit back in the 70's since the payoff date for many reached into the 00's. They handled that one without any media attention and they did it in COBOL."
[email protected]
"When my computer illiterate friends ask me what they should do, I say 'treat it as if you were expecting a storm.' It doesn't hurt to have some extra food around the home, candles just in case, etc."
[email protected]
"My father-in-law is all into this; in fact, he's stocked up food from some millenium food staples group, and he annoyed the %$#@ outta me at Christmas by giving us huge checks so we, too, could buy food before the apocalypse. What a light note for Christmas Eve, eh?"
[email protected]
"The Doom Merchants are at work....what a load of old cobblers. Working in the investment markets, if anyone thinks world institutions will disinvest causing an economic meltdown they are mis-guided sorry souls."
[email protected]
"Riots, food shortages, and a financial collapse will occur. I have always belived that history repeats itself. In this I am reminded of the roman empire. In their last days sports were a national craze. The United States of America is home to couch potatos who think that an athlete should make more money than their doctor, or senator"
"I've been programming for almost 10 years and I've experienced hundreds of crisis situations much more complex than this date problem.... As for the hysterical non-programmers of the world... they need to shut up and butt out because they just don't understand this issue."
[email protected]
"I work in the computer industry, and of course people are going bonkers, but most of my coworkers and I believe that the biggest danger comes not from the 'Y2k bug' itself, but from the people who are, deliberately or otherwise, using the occasion to foment a bit of lawlessness."
[email protected]
"Having been in the computer world for a few years, I wish I could identify what it is, that is causing all these people to behave so irrationally.... I don't doubt for one moment there are some computers that will possibly burp, there will be some software apps, that will mis calculate due to lazy data entry habits, (two-digits for year). But overall, this is not a show stopper."
[email protected]
"This earth is full of murder, hate, killing and awful things. We need to remember our creator and Y2K, MAY, make some of us remember this. If nothing happens, GREAT, I won't have to buy groceries for a little while! But if it does I know I have tried a little to prepare and I know that GOD loves me just as I am."
[email protected]
"I looked through some of the responses on your feedback page. As a Christian, i am embarrassed at the comments made by some of the 'believers' regarding judgement and punishment.... That people hatefully reject your view on Y2K and try to link it with 'judgment' - that's what in my ministry is called 'Spiritual Abuse'. In my eyes what does Y2K and Jesus have in common? Nothing. There is no correlation between what programmers chose to do decades ago and what Jesus did 2000 years ago."
[email protected]
"Oh, to spice up your web page you need to talk to my mother..she swears they are secretly building compounds for those who cannot pay their bills and need some place to go Jan 1 2000, She also swears that her timing chain in her car won't function so she is having that Y2K ready, every day I get a new fear from her."
[email protected]
"Amid the growing hysteria, I am glad that not everyone thinks it is 'the end of the world' or 'God's judgement upon mankind'. These doomsayers almost seem to relish the thought as a vindication of their belief."
"Just close your eyes and clear your head and try to think of all the places where embedded chips might be. Try to think of the impossible places to test like undesea pipelines and pumps or the sheer magnitude of the number of telephone switches that must be checked compared to the number of programmers of available to do the job. It boils down to simple math."
[email protected]
"To me the real issue, the government is so full of lies and spin and with this y2k problem there seems to be plenty going in all directions, mostly that it's a bump in the road. My problem with the government is that I know for a fact (I really do) that they are preparing to have camps across the country. This more than anything bugs me. Is the y2k problem more than a hoax? possibly a front? If, then a front for what?"
[email protected]
"Recently, my company began a Y2K compliancy program, and half of the things they asked me to check were totally ridiculous. Battery chargers, diesel trucks, RADIOS in trucks, etc.... Those who know the truth, that at best, there will be little or no problems, are ignored, while the fear mongers amongst us are being listened to and believed."
[email protected]
"I have a young family to think about and if I ignore this possible threat what kind of mother am I? You be sure to notify me when your degree in fortune telling arrives."
[email protected]
"I hope for your soul's sake that you are just ignorant.... I admit, I could be wrong about Y2K. But if I'm not, this is a matter of life and death for millions of people. Are you really willing to take that risk?"
[email protected]
"is your site a joke? are you serious? ... if you are wrong you die, if i am wrong i get laughed at"
[email protected]
"Unfortunately the majority of the people refuse to believe that such an event could happen, they don't want to be disturbed in their comfort zone. So I choose to be a realist. By the way, judgement upon America is right around the corner. The Lord Jesus will protect his own, however!"
[email protected]
"You must be a real pile of bad smell and soon you will not be the only one. I do not have to pray, for I know all of mankind will soon get what it deserves!"
[email protected]
"Someone may use this as an opportunity to conduct techno terrorism. If Melissa can cause the problems (and some believe it was a test), a virus, when combined with the problems that will exist, can cause massive problems which may seem to be a verification of the 'end of technology'"
[email protected]
"Is there ANY ounce of truth to any of this crap!? I've heard that VIBRATORS will stop!!! Hey, if you find a vibrator smart enough to tell the date & time, please let me know!!"
[email protected]
"Is it true or a bunch of hog wash that vehicles will stop running? A car does not read a date (except for a couple of the luxury models out there). If you have a car that does not read a date, how in the hell will a car stop running?"
[email protected]
"I have been treated as a leper for not 'realising' the danger that we are in coming up to the turn of the Century. I personally know people who are taking advantage of this scam and they are starting to believe their own crap!"
"I am in the military working in a hospital. I fix the medical equipment there. I have been appointed Y2K representative for the equipment in the hospital. Of the 1700+ pieces of equipment in the hospital only 25 will be affected --- and the biggest problem faced --- the date will not print right on the test strip. I have heard that a pencil is a good fix for this, but perhaps we need to spend a ton more money just to study if this will work."
[email protected]
"Found your site today and am hugely relieved to find an island of sanity on the North American continent!! ... Is it because you're Canadian?? From my view point in Australia it seems as if the US is just full of Chicken Littles darting terrified glances at the sky.... The only difference today is that the shysters have access to much bigger audiences."
[email protected]
"I would like to know how to make some cash off these fools and get rich. Maybe if I stock up on those meal supplement drinks, bulk and canned foods and bottled water I can start making a killing in October and November when these idiots really start to panic."
"I have attached a copy of a nomination I made to the Australian Skeptics for the annual Bent Spoon award, where I collectively nominated the same people your site is about."
[email protected]
"I truly hope Y2K is a hoax. BUT ... It got me off my fat butt and into action to provide some reasonable disaster preparedness for my loved ones!! Thanks for your site. It adds real balance to this issue!"
[email protected]
"what makes you and all the rest of the world think they know whats going to happen in the future, things unimaginable can happen, disastorious things, what if you are wrong? what if they are wrong?"
"You might want to get your facts straight. I have been following this problem for over 2.5 years and have read thousands of articles from numerous sources. July 1997 front cover of newsweek was just the begining.... You like many other critics will be very silent in January."
[email protected]>
"I will keep your forecast on file and will email you, one week after Jan. 1, 2000 and if you are correct I can still communicate with you because our ISP will still be working. I also suggest that you become serious on this matter and avoid jokes. There are some people who believe you and they will take your every word you say. This is also true for the doomsayers. -- Yours in Christ,"
[email protected]
"Everyone drawing all their money out of the banks because they do not want to loose it and what they are doing is DESTROYING the economy!! This COULD be a distaster, it would be riotous everywhere."
[email protected]
"Your site has helped alot in not only my understanding of this whole shin-dig, but it's also helping my grade. Without this site my paper would've been alot harder...glad you see this whole thing my way..."
"If we talk about something long enough it may just come true. To quote the great philosopher in disguise, George Burns: 'Fairytales can come true ... it can happen to you...'"
[email protected]
"I'm not a programmer, but I've read hundreds of articles on y2k and I know what's coming.... You should be scared shitless. Don't be so narrow minded. Start reading stuff on the net."
[email protected]
"The same thing happened in 1000, and I'm sure the same thing will happen in 3000. They won't be able to use the 'Y3K computer bug' as an excuse for why the world will end in 3000, but they will think of something."
[email protected]
"Is it ethical and legal to sell survival kits to people who are scared to death because they simply do not understand the technological elements of the problem and are frighten by the implication and feelings of helplessness?"
[email protected]
"There are a lot of DRAMA kings and queens today. Don't even try to talk sense to the fools. This y2k situation is just another thing to add more excitemnet into their boring lives."
[email protected]
"A couple of years ago I was living in south Florida. I underestimated the power of hurricane Andrew. I don't intend to be caught underestimating another catastrophe."
[email protected]
"I myself am amazed at how incredibly hyped up this whole issue has become. People I know with no computer knowledge are worried that their toasters won't work after 2000.... The whole thing makes me want to pull my hair out and run screaming through the streets."
[email protected]
"Thank you for your common sense and good humor. It's nice to know there a few pepole left who can actually think!"
[email protected]
"i'll pray 4 u"
[email protected]
"You're right that if bad things happen, that they'll happen just because people think they're going to happen. So silly. As someone who's worked as a programmer on Y2K projects, I have to say that I personally couldn't get *anything* really bad to happen to programs we were fixing."
[email protected]
"The MTBF (mean time between failure) for a typical computer is no more than an hour. This means that, for a computer that is running at least during business hours, there are on the average at least 2,000 failures per year, or 2,000,000 failures per millennium."
[email protected]
"Do you suppose it's possible that the escalating Y2K budgets are in part caused by people taking advantage of the fear and getting those new computers and equipment they've been wanting?"
[email protected]
"When I reported to my politician bosses that we wouldn't need to spend a fortune to fix this 'crisis', I got my head handed to me.... In my research I have found many sites where local governments have spent a lot of money and time planning and testing, but they never seem to say how the tests turned out. Could it be that they don't want to admit that they have wasted a ton of taxpayer money for no good reason?"
[email protected]
"Yes, it's just a number. One of the biggest assumptions that you are making is that there are enought competent programmers who can keep focused amid the mass hysteria to get the job done right. I'm stocking up and getting out into the country just in case."
[email protected]
"It's good to find someone w/ the courage to say, 'The Emperor is wearing no clothes.' Please folks, don't start rashly selling your investments. Sheer panic can ruin a market just as surely as an actual problem!"
[email protected]
"As for elevators crashing to earth, as I told my boss when he raised the issue: Anyone who is sad enough to be in an elevator at midnight on millennium eve won't be missed if the thing crashes to the basement."
[email protected]
"Maybe it's the thrill, perhaps to the extent of sexual excitation, to believe there will be chaos. I hope they aren't too disappointed..."
[email protected]
"Regarding the hype you speak of, I witnessed exactly the same thing in the UK with BS 5750 (British Standards Institute certificate for quality assurance) and then its international equivalent ISO 9000. Expensive consultants creating jobs for themselves... I assume those folks are now safely riding on the Y2K hype."
[email protected]
"How can you make the computer bug and send it to other computers. (Do U have any saved on disk that you could send so I could test it for myself."
[email protected]
"japan is in y2k trouble ... embedded chip capital of the world? japan ... mountains, rivers, too many obstructions- most all is burried.... japan is size of california- but flat area is only that of rode island- ... you must learn more."
[email protected]
"God's Wisdom to Help with Y2K: Proverbs 26:12 'Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.'"
[email protected]
"Y2K over 30 years old! As loans are concerned, the Y2K problem hit back in the 70's since the payoff date for many reached into the 00's. They handled that one without any media attention and they did it in COBOL."
[email protected]
"When my computer illiterate friends ask me what they should do, I say 'treat it as if you were expecting a storm.' It doesn't hurt to have some extra food around the home, candles just in case, etc."
[email protected]
"My father-in-law is all into this; in fact, he's stocked up food from some millenium food staples group, and he annoyed the %$#@ outta me at Christmas by giving us huge checks so we, too, could buy food before the apocalypse. What a light note for Christmas Eve, eh?"
[email protected]
"The Doom Merchants are at work....what a load of old cobblers. Working in the investment markets, if anyone thinks world institutions will disinvest causing an economic meltdown they are mis-guided sorry souls."
[email protected]
"Riots, food shortages, and a financial collapse will occur. I have always belived that history repeats itself. In this I am reminded of the roman empire. In their last days sports were a national craze. The United States of America is home to couch potatos who think that an athlete should make more money than their doctor, or senator"
[email protected]
"A friend of mine bought 800 cans of soup and 300 pounds of rice in preparation for this Y2K fiasco! My question is this - if there's no electricity, how will he cook his soup and his rice?"
[email protected]
"I have heard a lot of people worrying about hospitals being ready for Y2K. My hospital's computer system that keeps patient records was already basically compliant, because they have patients that were born in the 1800's. I wish more people would visit your site it could give them a dose of common sense in a media filled with lunacy."
[email protected]
"I've been warning people all year that Y2K is the biggest hoax of the century. NO! I take that back. Since it involves every country in the word, this is the biggest hoax to be perpetrated in the history of mankind."
[email protected]
"Saturday morning, the 1st of January 2000, Gary North is woken by his alarm clock."
[email protected]
"I believe that if one or two companies cease to operate it will set off a chain reaction. For example: When UPS went on strike for 15 days the world almost turned upside down."
[email protected]
"Thanks for the entertaining website. The most ardent Y2K alarmist I know has a lifestyle that would welcome government chaos so that he wouldn't get caught in his illegal activities."
[email protected]
"I believe that there truly are going to be many problems before the first of the year. It just won't have anything to do with computers! As I get e-mail forwards from people who think Disney is going to give away $6.5 million just for forwarding e-mail, or Honda is going to give away free cars without a limit just for forwarding e-mail, I can't help but be astonished at how many loonies there are out there."
[email protected]
"I bet you're grinning your butt off with all the clamity and worried-to-death people who have emailed you. I know of folks here in Northern California who have sold everything they own. Liquidated their homes, bought RV's in order to be ready to move whereever because of the dimm and doom. This might be good for RV salesman!"
[email protected]
"The 'doomers' may simply be wrong, & let's hope they are. But so far, all the truly idiotic statements I've heard have come from the 'polly' camp."
[email protected]
"Gosh, I am so glad I found your website!! I have passed your sight to numerous folks! I am so glad you have also brought the humor in!"
[email protected]
"The only thing we do know is this is not a tornadoe, hrricane, earthquake, it is a man made problem. I do not trust man. Since this is a man made problem, it is a little bit more concerning."
[email protected]
"Unlike you I'm not sure at all that I'll survive, I'm not a survivalist and I live in Oslo, Norway which is a cold city in the wintertime."
[email protected]
"Perhaps it may be reasonable to stock up on at least one commodity: Beer. What with all the piss-taking going on early next year, stocks will surely run dry."
[email protected]
"I think you're a jerk who doesn't know what you are talking about, but I hope you are right. If you want to stop being an asshole you should visit some of these sites for information written by people who have relevant education and experience."
[email protected]
"A Veteran friend of mine has told me many a story about how ugly people can become in time of crisis.... Besides a few sites like yours, little is said and the Y2K demon does exist in our heads."
[email protected]
"Just wanted to say that I *love* your 'Just a Number' website. Nothing makes me laugh more than the millions of loons who are falling for what I've always believed to be 99% media hype and 1% actual problem."
[email protected]
"I haven't laughed that much in a long time.... They never listen to us programmers! I've been saying things about Y2K for 20+ years. They didn't listen then, now they're panicked. I have to admit, it is fun to watch!"
[email protected]
"Action 2000, the UK government body spending millions of pounds of taxpayers money on justifying their existence, had already said that nothing would probably happen (after predicting dire consequences all last year)."
[email protected]
"Today the newswires are saying 9/9/99 passed and now the problem will be 10/10/2000 because this is the first eight digit number in the new year!! ... thanks for your articles! Keep up the sanity."
[email protected]
"I am a Minister who has studied this Y2K problem, and can tell you that, I think there is about a 70% chance this will happen. I studie the bible as well as the Y2K, and all thoe I see this could happen and be a disaster, the bible says nothing about a y2k problem."
[email protected]
"It makes me angry to see how many people seem to want the government and society to topple so that they can have the kind of world they want. These cowboys are ill-informed and mean-spirited."
[email protected]
"It should belongs to every responsible entity to act as necessary to prevent fear. Here in Europe there's nothing comparable to what i see about that "bug" in the US. It just seems irrelevant."
[email protected]
"Watch out for the loonies midnight 1/1/00. I wonder if they've figured where world will end first, given time zones? Does it mean Europe will fry before North America? What about Isreal where Y2k was about 4000 years ago (I guess they fried then)."
[email protected]
"I am a firm believer that Y2K is simply a juiced-up money machine rolling through, well, practically everyone's life and it will come and go with little or no glitches for the mass (ignorant) public."
[email protected]
"What you said about the y2k loons winning either way ('told you so' or 'it's our work that saved us all') would logically suggest that the best approach is just to buy a six-pack, sit back, and enjoy the show."
[email protected]
"We (us crazy Christians) are not worried about Y2K, nor threatened by its outcome.... We have been through much worse over the centuries and millenia than Y2K, and still our Faith is intact. They threw us to the lion's in Rome, burnt us at the stake prior to and through the Reformation, and on and on. A little Y2K global chaos, destruction and confusion will be a walk in the park."
[email protected]
"I want to thank you for your web site! I caught an article on a sunday morning news show that showed an organization going from community to community preaching about being prepared for the y2k, stocking up on grains and corns, growing their own food, preparing to barter etc. . .and saying that most of us are not doing anything to prepare for it."
[email protected]
"I can't wait to see what G.North and other y2k opportunists have to say when January 2000 passes by with a few inconveniences and computer problems. What will they do when civilization doesn't come to a screeching halt?"
[email protected]
"My prediction: a few minor outages, maybe steet lights or traffic signals here or there, maybe a bank vault will lock up or not, etc. Then all the hysterical goofs will begin to make excuses."
[email protected]
"My husband, father and sister agree with you. My husband is computer tech support, my dad is a programmer (for 30 years) and my sister listens to him. I, on the other hand, have put aside a months worth of canned foods, an extre propane tank for the grill and appropriate winter clothing, with my husband's tloerance."
[email protected]
"Yesterday For example I heard that on August 18 Satan will walk on earth, on the whole globe will dark for the 3 days. In that time we cant look in to the windows, and go in outsite.... Every story making our brains crazy. We dint know what to thing, what to do, Whets the whole thing about?"
[email protected]
"For that 'How much God knowledge do you have?' email posting, is he/she claiming direct divine revelation from God to prepare for this disaster? ... I happen to believe God is on the 'this is way over-hyped and those that panicked will look foolish' side of the issue."
[email protected]
"I just saw a 'new one' posted on a Christian board....someone is telling the rest of the gals to be prepared for your sewer and raw sewage backing up due to Y2K and for 75.00 you can send for a gizmo that you can shut off on Dec. 31 so that this won't happen to you, and your sewage won't back up. It never ends, does it...? I wish I could think of these things."
[email protected]
"A response to the person that said 50+ aged programmers say its going to be a problem...I have talked to many programmers (my husband is one) some of them 50+, My response...LAUGHTER. Come on people, get real. You're the problem."
[email protected]
"Great stuff mate, your right on! I'm in Australia and NZ on New Year so I'm really scared! The bastards have sucked us in again."
[email protected]
"My brother went to Wall Mart last January to by can ham because it was on sale, he bought 10 cases to get ready for the year 2000. He told me not to laugh because I'll be the first one beging him for a can. (I think not)"
[email protected]
"I am waiting for December -- should be fun to watch the action with the last minute panic regarding banks, stocks and generators. Should be some good buys on the market around Dec 26 or so."
[email protected]
"Interesting site, with good conclusions and a complete lack of useful data.... Surely you aren't making an important engineering decision based on personal emotions?"
[email protected]
"I work in the software industry and I am horrified at the people that DO NOT [work in software industry] and profess to be experts on this topic.... Anyway, it is nice to see a voice of reason. Your site cuts through the crap and defines the simplistic date issue for what it is."
[email protected]
"Did you hear about the Y2K tests here in Colorado by the electric utility company? Of course not! Nothing failed!... Now that Y2K is falling apart, crisis advocates are now talking about the sun spots/solar storms coming in March/April. Oh, well - crisis of the moment."
[email protected]
"If you think you can't get (fill in the blank) for 2 weeks, are you prepared? If you can't get those wretched disposable diapers for 2 weeks, and your kid uses a couple or three a day, do you have a back-up plan or do you intend to confine the child to non-carpeted surfaces for the duration?"
[email protected]
"And it is a FACT that MANY systems will never be ready to even test till well in to 2000. My sources? 50+ year old programmers that have been in the biz since punch cards at XEROX."
[email protected]
"I wouldn't find it too strange a thing for Christians to want all hell to break loose so that Jesus could come and help them... how convenient, mix the Millenialist expectations, taken from concoctors and astrologers such as Nostradamus, with the computer bug."
[email protected]
"I don't have my head in the sand concerning the fact that God didn't create this problem..MAN did as usual..If man wasn't so proud and think that they have EVERYTHING IN CONTROL, they might see their need for guidance from above and realize that even as God spoke to Noah about the need for an ark, even thought there hadn't been such a thing as rain as of yet, that BY FAITH he built the ark in obedience to the WARNING God gave him.... You may have alot of PC knowledge, but HOW MUCH GOD KNOWLEDGE DO YOU HAVE??"
[email protected]
"There are very scary billboard ads up with the yellow-eyed chip/bug logo in an hour glass and the slogan, 'The Millennium Bug, six months to go. Have YOU done enough?' I assume these ads are directed at the business community but are in very public places and are freaking a lot of people. My best friend is convinced that the end is nigh and there will be cannibalism by February."
[email protected]
"I think this is the most fun I've had listening to someone who's out of their mind! I've done my research though... then again who would ever listen to an x-crackhead? It sounds to me like you're the one on crack now!"
[email protected]
"Let's not forget the words of Paul Erlich, whose 'Population Bomb' and 'Population Explosion' have been wrong in *two* consecutive generations in predicting the downfall of civilization because of census counts."
[email protected]
"This fulfilled prophecy will completely devastate and panic some high-anxiety people, which will in turn cause a panic of pandemic proportions. Think how many people have been injured just trying to get ahold of a stupid Beanie Baby or Furby during a 'quantities limited' sale?... C'mon guy! Get with the program!"
[email protected]
"I'm in charge of Finances at my company. We actually have an ex-employee that's doing the whole survival thing and, heaven help us, I think they're probably also stockpiling guns, because they want to defend themselves against the less-prepared. So, maybe I should be more careful when I think we've got it covered, but I'm more worried about the Doomsday phobics than the computers."
[email protected]
"Thank you for sanity on the chicken little subject."
[email protected]
"If y2k is a joke- then how come my bank is spending £250 million,(and still not compliant??). Do you think they are that stupid?! Anyway, y2k is a self fulfilling prophesy. The imminent panic is the insurmountable problem!!"
[email protected]
"Did you see that the UK government Y2k task force which a few months ago was wasting the taxpayers money by scaring the population half shitless, has now gone completely the other way, by distributing a leaflet in every Sunday paper called 'Fact not Fiction'?"
[email protected]
"I just completed Y2K code upgrades, workstation compliancy tests, and an entire system rollover -- all tests passed flawlessly. Why? Because of instead of building survbivalist bomb shelters in the woods annd stocking up on SPAM, we went about methodically solving the problems at hand."
[email protected]
"You are way, WAY off in this 'assumption'. It will happen, mark my words on that. Maybe you don't remember what happened on the first day of the year 1970? Some computer company wrote a code with only ONE digit in its coding, so after 9 flipepd to 0, everything using the code was SHUT DOWN. I don't know WHY you think it won't be, but it will."
[email protected]
"The Y2K hysterics are getting mighty quiet as the big day approaches. All the dates Jan 1 1999, April 1 1999 etc.etc. are passing without a hitch. After the dreaded 9/9/99 fails to have even a hiccup, we can expect to see some sanity prevailing even before the big day.... Please reconsider your closing the site next year. We need to have some proof that not all of us were blind sheep."
[email protected]
"I can't agree with you more. I work for a government agency, and my shop has been tasked to work the Y2K issue for the entire base.... My guess is that behind every doomsday prediction is a a slack-jawwed yokel selling ammunition, or tents, or boots, or something along those lines."
[email protected]
"All I can say is, I'll be sitting at home, on Janurary 1st 2000, having a good old laugh at all you highly gullable people who have just lost your dignity in believing one of the biggest fabricated myths of the 20th Century."
[email protected]
"You make strong claims on your site, plenty of covicted opinion (your own), but not a single fact from any reliable source. Amusing at best, but not worth the hard drive space it's written on."
[email protected]
"I'm english. Why do Americans insist on being such ignorant, stupid tossers? The place i work for is finished Y2K testing. All done. No one is shittin their pants about no electricity, no water, conspiracies for christs sake where else could these punters come from but america? i hope it all does f--- up in america, the world'll be a better place without yanks - TWATS."
[email protected]
"We'll probably all get blown away by Y2K survivalists, afraid we're going to steal their bottled water and generators. Or not. Keep the exchange of ideas going, and especially the humor."
[email protected]
"Interesting editorial in our local paper yesterday - BIG BROTHER STAYS HUSH ABOUT Y2K - All I can say is, Very Interesting! We live in NYS. Why are all the NYS Police going to be working New Years Eve?"
[email protected]
"Just as it was said that no one ever got fired for buying an IBM, similarly no one can go wrong employing a Yr 2000 guru. If nothing goes wrong it'll be 'How wise we were' and if it all goes toes up well we'll have done our best AND have someone to blame!"
[email protected]
"Without a doubt, your position reflects an appalling lack of understanding...typical of young, hotshot propeller heads.... At least you do not attribute Y2K to some pile of bizarre theological crap. That crowd is, however, breathing down YOUR neck for looney tunes honors as we approach 1/1/2000."
[email protected]
"I will not try and outline the issue for you, because your comments are intelligent enough that I believe that you have heard the arguments. Regardless of the alleged existence of the Y2K issue, the reaction from society will force the turning of the calendar into a calamity on a global scale. Wake up, man."
[email protected]
"We have prepared modestly for our family of 5, to hopefully withstand a moderate crisis up to and including a depression. Keep in mind that we already have our home in a rural area. Plenty of land with few people surrounded by mountains."
[email protected]
"The doomsayers talk about the wrath of God, they will be the ones who see the wrath of God for deceiving and frightening the hell out of people. One of our neighbor's daughters is so frightened (she's 12) because she thinks that she isn't going to live to be a teenager. It's totally irresponsible and abusive to allow this to happen to a little girl."
[email protected]
"So far as there being a run on the banks. All the banks will have to do is call in all the loans etc. That will make people think twice."
[email protected]
"you're safe...consider this...if nothing happens you're a hero...but if all hell breaks loose...no one will be able to contact you...why didn't I think of this...?"
[email protected]
"Personally I feel that the author of this web site has simply put this here posed as a non-believing question to just get a rise out of vulnerable and clueless people. I hope that the Lord forgives you and I also hope you mend your ways and believe what is simple and true...Jesus Christ the Savior!"
[email protected]
"I had to make sure my department was compliant and the worst thing was a moisture tester! Yes, it prints out the first two digits! Worst case, add the stinkin' '20' in front of '00', but it works anyway and is y2k compliant."
[email protected]
"The Y2K bug will be remembered as the idea that people had in their heads which ended up causing more problems than the actual problem itself. The Millenium bug will be remembered as everyone's silly desire to celebrate the end of the Millenium a year early."
[email protected]
"I like your web page, but I haven't found any info on it (so far) that offers any more than an opposing or alternate view to the 'doomsayers'. Thus, I am happily left with my own research and study on the subject, which I wouldn't abdicate anyway!"
[email protected]
"Governments are measuring the success of their Y2K programs by the number of dollars they are pushing into them. i.e. inputs not output. It seems a lot of Y2K programs are based upon 'The Year 2000 as Racket and Ruse' and are dedicated to implementing its principles."
[email protected]
"My primary concern in all this is not the so-called Y2K 'Bug' per se, but the combined effects of all of the things that can and do 'go wrong' on our highly complex and interdependent 'civilization': from solar storms to weird weather patterns of apparently increasing intensity, to the rapidly increasing threat of a globally consuming war of some kind, to the ruthless machinations of the greedy to get 'more', to 'glitches' in computer systems. Not to mention what's happening, finally, to oil prices."
[email protected]
"My dad is a major COBOL programmer from the 70's & 80's with the military. He said exactly the same thing you are. It would be child's play to find the problem and fix it."
[email protected]
"I really do hope that you are correct in your assumptions, but I am still preparing for the potential problems. To do anything less would be harmful and neglectful to my family."
[email protected]
"I agree with you whole heartedly but never would have found the right words to say to those who believe this is it! I'm usually bored surfing around the web, but this was a 'well-worth-it' trip!"
[email protected]
"It sounds to me like you don't have your head quite screwed on straight. Or there are some powerful people who have an agenda we're not aware of yet.
"A friend of mine bought 800 cans of soup and 300 pounds of rice in preparation for this Y2K fiasco! My question is this - if there's no electricity, how will he cook his soup and his rice?"
[email protected]
"I have heard a lot of people worrying about hospitals being ready for Y2K. My hospital's computer system that keeps patient records was already basically compliant, because they have patients that were born in the 1800's. I wish more people would visit your site it could give them a dose of common sense in a media filled with lunacy."
[email protected]
"I've been warning people all year that Y2K is the biggest hoax of the century. NO! I take that back. Since it involves every country in the word, this is the biggest hoax to be perpetrated in the history of mankind."
[email protected]
"Saturday morning, the 1st of January 2000, Gary North is woken by his alarm clock."
[email protected]
"I believe that if one or two companies cease to operate it will set off a chain reaction. For example: When UPS went on strike for 15 days the world almost turned upside down."
[email protected]
"Thanks for the entertaining website. The most ardent Y2K alarmist I know has a lifestyle that would welcome government chaos so that he wouldn't get caught in his illegal activities."
[email protected]
"I believe that there truly are going to be many problems before the first of the year. It just won't have anything to do with computers! As I get e-mail forwards from people who think Disney is going to give away $6.5 million just for forwarding e-mail, or Honda is going to give away free cars without a limit just for forwarding e-mail, I can't help but be astonished at how many loonies there are out there."
[email protected]
"I bet you're grinning your butt off with all the clamity and worried-to-death people who have emailed you. I know of folks here in Northern California who have sold everything they own. Liquidated their homes, bought RV's in order to be ready to move whereever because of the dimm and doom. This might be good for RV salesman!"
[email protected]
"The 'doomers' may simply be wrong, & let's hope they are. But so far, all the truly idiotic statements I've heard have come from the 'polly' camp."
[email protected]
"Gosh, I am so glad I found your website!! I have passed your sight to numerous folks! I am so glad you have also brought the humor in!"
[email protected]
"The only thing we do know is this is not a tornadoe, hrricane, earthquake, it is a man made problem. I do not trust man. Since this is a man made problem, it is a little bit more concerning."
[email protected]
"Unlike you I'm not sure at all that I'll survive, I'm not a survivalist and I live in Oslo, Norway which is a cold city in the wintertime."
[email protected]
"Perhaps it may be reasonable to stock up on at least one commodity: Beer. What with all the piss-taking going on early next year, stocks will surely run dry."
[email protected]
"I think you're a jerk who doesn't know what you are talking about, but I hope you are right. If you want to stop being an asshole you should visit some of these sites for information written by people who have relevant education and experience."
[email protected]
"A Veteran friend of mine has told me many a story about how ugly people can become in time of crisis.... Besides a few sites like yours, little is said and the Y2K demon does exist in our heads."
[email protected]
"Just wanted to say that I *love* your 'Just a Number' website. Nothing makes me laugh more than the millions of loons who are falling for what I've always believed to be 99% media hype and 1% actual problem."
[email protected]
"I haven't laughed that much in a long time.... They never listen to us programmers! I've been saying things about Y2K for 20+ years. They didn't listen then, now they're panicked. I have to admit, it is fun to watch!"
[email protected]
"Action 2000, the UK government body spending millions of pounds of taxpayers money on justifying their existence, had already said that nothing would probably happen (after predicting dire consequences all last year)."
[email protected]
"Today the newswires are saying 9/9/99 passed and now the problem will be 10/10/2000 because this is the first eight digit number in the new year!! ... thanks for your articles! Keep up the sanity."
[email protected]
"I am a Minister who has studied this Y2K problem, and can tell you that, I think there is about a 70% chance this will happen. I studie the bible as well as the Y2K, and all thoe I see this could happen and be a disaster, the bible says nothing about a y2k problem."
[email protected]
"It makes me angry to see how many people seem to want the government and society to topple so that they can have the kind of world they want. These cowboys are ill-informed and mean-spirited."
[email protected]
"It should belongs to every responsible entity to act as necessary to prevent fear. Here in Europe there's nothing comparable to what i see about that "bug" in the US. It just seems irrelevant."
[email protected]
"Watch out for the loonies midnight 1/1/00. I wonder if they've figured where world will end first, given time zones? Does it mean Europe will fry before North America? What about Isreal where Y2k was about 4000 years ago (I guess they fried then)."
[email protected]
"I am a firm believer that Y2K is simply a juiced-up money machine rolling through, well, practically everyone's life and it will come and go with little or no glitches for the mass (ignorant) public."
[email protected]
"What you said about the y2k loons winning either way ('told you so' or 'it's our work that saved us all') would logically suggest that the best approach is just to buy a six-pack, sit back, and enjoy the show."
[email protected]
"We (us crazy Christians) are not worried about Y2K, nor threatened by its outcome.... We have been through much worse over the centuries and millenia than Y2K, and still our Faith is intact. They threw us to the lion's in Rome, burnt us at the stake prior to and through the Reformation, and on and on. A little Y2K global chaos, destruction and confusion will be a walk in the park."
[email protected]
"I want to thank you for your web site! I caught an article on a sunday morning news show that showed an organization going from community to community preaching about being prepared for the y2k, stocking up on grains and corns, growing their own food, preparing to barter etc. . .and saying that most of us are not doing anything to prepare for it."
[email protected]
"I can't wait to see what G.North and other y2k opportunists have to say when January 2000 passes by with a few inconveniences and computer problems. What will they do when civilization doesn't come to a screeching halt?"
[email protected]
"My prediction: a few minor outages, maybe steet lights or traffic signals here or there, maybe a bank vault will lock up or not, etc. Then all the hysterical goofs will begin to make excuses."
[email protected]
"My husband, father and sister agree with you. My husband is computer tech support, my dad is a programmer (for 30 years) and my sister listens to him. I, on the other hand, have put aside a months worth of canned foods, an extre propane tank for the grill and appropriate winter clothing, with my husband's tloerance."
[email protected]
"Yesterday For example I heard that on August 18 Satan will walk on earth, on the whole globe will dark for the 3 days. In that time we cant look in to the windows, and go in outsite.... Every story making our brains crazy. We dint know what to thing, what to do, Whets the whole thing about?"
[email protected]
"For that 'How much God knowledge do you have?' email posting, is he/she claiming direct divine revelation from God to prepare for this disaster? ... I happen to believe God is on the 'this is way over-hyped and those that panicked will look foolish' side of the issue."
[email protected]
"I just saw a 'new one' posted on a Christian board....someone is telling the rest of the gals to be prepared for your sewer and raw sewage backing up due to Y2K and for 75.00 you can send for a gizmo that you can shut off on Dec. 31 so that this won't happen to you, and your sewage won't back up. It never ends, does it...? I wish I could think of these things."
[email protected]
"A response to the person that said 50+ aged programmers say its going to be a problem...I have talked to many programmers (my husband is one) some of them 50+, My response...LAUGHTER. Come on people, get real. You're the problem."
[email protected]
"Great stuff mate, your right on! I'm in Australia and NZ on New Year so I'm really scared! The bastards have sucked us in again."
[email protected]
"My brother went to Wall Mart last January to by can ham because it was on sale, he bought 10 cases to get ready for the year 2000. He told me not to laugh because I'll be the first one beging him for a can. (I think not)"
[email protected]
"I am waiting for December -- should be fun to watch the action with the last minute panic regarding banks, stocks and generators. Should be some good buys on the market around Dec 26 or so."
[email protected]
"Interesting site, with good conclusions and a complete lack of useful data.... Surely you aren't making an important engineering decision based on personal emotions?"
[email protected]
"I work in the software industry and I am horrified at the people that DO NOT [work in software industry] and profess to be experts on this topic.... Anyway, it is nice to see a voice of reason. Your site cuts through the crap and defines the simplistic date issue for what it is."
[email protected]
"Did you hear about the Y2K tests here in Colorado by the electric utility company? Of course not! Nothing failed!... Now that Y2K is falling apart, crisis advocates are now talking about the sun spots/solar storms coming in March/April. Oh, well - crisis of the moment."
[email protected]
"If you think you can't get (fill in the blank) for 2 weeks, are you prepared? If you can't get those wretched disposable diapers for 2 weeks, and your kid uses a couple or three a day, do you have a back-up plan or do you intend to confine the child to non-carpeted surfaces for the duration?"
[email protected]
"And it is a FACT that MANY systems will never be ready to even test till well in to 2000. My sources? 50+ year old programmers that have been in the biz since punch cards at XEROX."
[email protected]
"I wouldn't find it too strange a thing for Christians to want all hell to break loose so that Jesus could come and help them... how convenient, mix the Millenialist expectations, taken from concoctors and astrologers such as Nostradamus, with the computer bug."
[email protected]
"I don't have my head in the sand concerning the fact that God didn't create this problem..MAN did as usual..If man wasn't so proud and think that they have EVERYTHING IN CONTROL, they might see their need for guidance from above and realize that even as God spoke to Noah about the need for an ark, even thought there hadn't been such a thing as rain as of yet, that BY FAITH he built the ark in obedience to the WARNING God gave him.... You may have alot of PC knowledge, but HOW MUCH GOD KNOWLEDGE DO YOU HAVE??"
[email protected]
"There are very scary billboard ads up with the yellow-eyed chip/bug logo in an hour glass and the slogan, 'The Millennium Bug, six months to go. Have YOU done enough?' I assume these ads are directed at the business community but are in very public places and are freaking a lot of people. My best friend is convinced that the end is nigh and there will be cannibalism by February."
[email protected]
"I think this is the most fun I've had listening to someone who's out of their mind! I've done my research though... then again who would ever listen to an x-crackhead? It sounds to me like you're the one on crack now!"
[email protected]
"Let's not forget the words of Paul Erlich, whose 'Population Bomb' and 'Population Explosion' have been wrong in *two* consecutive generations in predicting the downfall of civilization because of census counts."
[email protected]
"This fulfilled prophecy will completely devastate and panic some high-anxiety people, which will in turn cause a panic of pandemic proportions. Think how many people have been injured just trying to get ahold of a stupid Beanie Baby or Furby during a 'quantities limited' sale?... C'mon guy! Get with the program!"
[email protected]
"I'm in charge of Finances at my company. We actually have an ex-employee that's doing the whole survival thing and, heaven help us, I think they're probably also stockpiling guns, because they want to defend themselves against the less-prepared. So, maybe I should be more careful when I think we've got it covered, but I'm more worried about the Doomsday phobics than the computers."
[email protected]
"Thank you for sanity on the chicken little subject."
[email protected]
"If y2k is a joke- then how come my bank is spending £250 million,(and still not compliant??). Do you think they are that stupid?! Anyway, y2k is a self fulfilling prophesy. The imminent panic is the insurmountable problem!!"
[email protected]
"Did you see that the UK government Y2k task force which a few months ago was wasting the taxpayers money by scaring the population half shitless, has now gone completely the other way, by distributing a leaflet in every Sunday paper called 'Fact not Fiction'?"
[email protected]
"I just completed Y2K code upgrades, workstation compliancy tests, and an entire system rollover -- all tests passed flawlessly. Why? Because of instead of building survbivalist bomb shelters in the woods annd stocking up on SPAM, we went about methodically solving the problems at hand."
[email protected]
"You are way, WAY off in this 'assumption'. It will happen, mark my words on that. Maybe you don't remember what happened on the first day of the year 1970? Some computer company wrote a code with only ONE digit in its coding, so after 9 flipepd to 0, everything using the code was SHUT DOWN. I don't know WHY you think it won't be, but it will."
[email protected]
"The Y2K hysterics are getting mighty quiet as the big day approaches. All the dates Jan 1 1999, April 1 1999 etc.etc. are passing without a hitch. After the dreaded 9/9/99 fails to have even a hiccup, we can expect to see some sanity prevailing even before the big day.... Please reconsider your closing the site next year. We need to have some proof that not all of us were blind sheep."
[email protected]
"I can't agree with you more. I work for a government agency, and my shop has been tasked to work the Y2K issue for the entire base.... My guess is that behind every doomsday prediction is a a slack-jawwed yokel selling ammunition, or tents, or boots, or something along those lines."
[email protected]
"All I can say is, I'll be sitting at home, on Janurary 1st 2000, having a good old laugh at all you highly gullable people who have just lost your dignity in believing one of the biggest fabricated myths of the 20th Century."
[email protected]
"You make strong claims on your site, plenty of covicted opinion (your own), but not a single fact from any reliable source. Amusing at best, but not worth the hard drive space it's written on."
[email protected]
"I'm english. Why do Americans insist on being such ignorant, stupid tossers? The place i work for is finished Y2K testing. All done. No one is shittin their pants about no electricity, no water, conspiracies for christs sake where else could these punters come from but america? i hope it all does f--- up in america, the world'll be a better place without yanks - TWATS."
[email protected]
"We'll probably all get blown away by Y2K survivalists, afraid we're going to steal their bottled water and generators. Or not. Keep the exchange of ideas going, and especially the humor."
[email protected]
"Interesting editorial in our local paper yesterday - BIG BROTHER STAYS HUSH ABOUT Y2K - All I can say is, Very Interesting! We live in NYS. Why are all the NYS Police going to be working New Years Eve?"
[email protected]
"Just as it was said that no one ever got fired for buying an IBM, similarly no one can go wrong employing a Yr 2000 guru. If nothing goes wrong it'll be 'How wise we were' and if it all goes toes up well we'll have done our best AND have someone to blame!"
[email protected]
"Without a doubt, your position reflects an appalling lack of understanding...typical of young, hotshot propeller heads.... At least you do not attribute Y2K to some pile of bizarre theological crap. That crowd is, however, breathing down YOUR neck for looney tunes honors as we approach 1/1/2000."
[email protected]
"I will not try and outline the issue for you, because your comments are intelligent enough that I believe that you have heard the arguments. Regardless of the alleged existence of the Y2K issue, the reaction from society will force the turning of the calendar into a calamity on a global scale. Wake up, man."
[email protected]
"We have prepared modestly for our family of 5, to hopefully withstand a moderate crisis up to and including a depression. Keep in mind that we already have our home in a rural area. Plenty of land with few people surrounded by mountains."
[email protected]
"The doomsayers talk about the wrath of God, they will be the ones who see the wrath of God for deceiving and frightening the hell out of people. One of our neighbor's daughters is so frightened (she's 12) because she thinks that she isn't going to live to be a teenager. It's totally irresponsible and abusive to allow this to happen to a little girl."
[email protected]
"So far as there being a run on the banks. All the banks will have to do is call in all the loans etc. That will make people think twice."
[email protected]
"you're safe...consider this...if nothing happens you're a hero...but if all hell breaks loose...no one will be able to contact you...why didn't I think of this...?"
[email protected]
"Personally I feel that the author of this web site has simply put this here posed as a non-believing question to just get a rise out of vulnerable and clueless people. I hope that the Lord forgives you and I also hope you mend your ways and believe what is simple and true...Jesus Christ the Savior!"
[email protected]
"I had to make sure my department was compliant and the worst thing was a moisture tester! Yes, it prints out the first two digits! Worst case, add the stinkin' '20' in front of '00', but it works anyway and is y2k compliant."
[email protected]
"The Y2K bug will be remembered as the idea that people had in their heads which ended up causing more problems than the actual problem itself. The Millenium bug will be remembered as everyone's silly desire to celebrate the end of the Millenium a year early."
[email protected]
"I like your web page, but I haven't found any info on it (so far) that offers any more than an opposing or alternate view to the 'doomsayers'. Thus, I am happily left with my own research and study on the subject, which I wouldn't abdicate anyway!"
[email protected]
"Governments are measuring the success of their Y2K programs by the number of dollars they are pushing into them. i.e. inputs not output. It seems a lot of Y2K programs are based upon 'The Year 2000 as Racket and Ruse' and are dedicated to implementing its principles."
[email protected]
"My primary concern in all this is not the so-called Y2K 'Bug' per se, but the combined effects of all of the things that can and do 'go wrong' on our highly complex and interdependent 'civilization': from solar storms to weird weather patterns of apparently increasing intensity, to the rapidly increasing threat of a globally consuming war of some kind, to the ruthless machinations of the greedy to get 'more', to 'glitches' in computer systems. Not to mention what's happening, finally, to oil prices."
[email protected]
"My dad is a major COBOL programmer from the 70's & 80's with the military. He said exactly the same thing you are. It would be child's play to find the problem and fix it."
[email protected]
"I really do hope that you are correct in your assumptions, but I am still preparing for the potential problems. To do anything less would be harmful and neglectful to my family."
[email protected]
"I agree with you whole heartedly but never would have found the right words to say to those who believe this is it! I'm usually bored surfing around the web, but this was a 'well-worth-it' trip!"
[email protected]
"It sounds to me like you don't have your head quite screwed on straight. Or there are some powerful people who have an agenda we're not aware of yet.